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. 2024 Dec 18;18(12):e70025. doi: 10.1111/irv.70025


Characteristics of influenza vaccine recipients 18–49 and 50–64 years of age by vaccine type (after inverse probability of treatment weighting).

n (%) 18–49 years 50–64 years
SD egg‐based SD cell‐based p value ASD SD egg‐based SD cell‐based p value ASD
n = 333,625 n = 143,412 n = 255,643 n = 115,654
Demographic characteristics
Age at index date, years 0.926 0.000 0.810 0.001
Mean (std dev) 35.6 (9.0) 35.6 (9.0) 57.4 (4.3) 57.4 (4.3)
Median (Q1, Q3) 37 (29, 43) 37 (29, 43) 58 (54, 61) 58 (54, 61)
Min, max 18, 49 18, 49 50, 64 50, 64
Age at index date, years 0.423 0.004 0.770 0.001
18–29 89,842 (26.9) 38,808 (27.1) N/A N/A
30–39 112,293 (33.7) 48,007 (33.5) N/A N/A
40–49 131,490 (39.4) 56,597 (39.5) N/A N/A
50–59 N/A N/A 160,538 (62.8) 72,686 (62.8)
60–64 N/A N/A 95,105 (37.2) 42,968 (37.2)
Sex 0.907 0.000 0.969 0.000
Female 203,787 (61.1) 87,626 (61.1) 141,495 (55.3) 64,005 (55.3)
Male 129,838 (38.9) 55,786 (38.9) 114,148 (44.7) 51,649 (44.7)
Race/ethnicity 0.723 0.005 0.815 0.004
Non‐Hispanic White 81,286 (24.4) 35,187 (24.5) 82,048 (32.1) 37,331 (32.3)
Non‐Hispanic Black 15,141 (4.5) 6502 (4.5) 18,343 (7.2) 8293 (7.2)
Hispanic 148,706 (44.6) 63,646 (44.4) 102,332 (40.0) 46,076 (39.8)
Non‐Hispanic Asian 59,937 (18.0) 25,792 (18.0) 38,777 (15.2) 17,561 (15.2)
Other/unknown 28,555 (8.6) 12,285 (8.6) 14,142 (5.5) 6393 (5.5)
Medicaid 38,146 (11.4) 16,391 (11.4) 0.967 0.000 19,547 (7.6) 8849 (7.7) 0.815 0.004
Neighborhood median household income 0.890 0.003 0.885 0.004
< $40,000 4997 (1.5) 2148 (1.5) 3732 (1.5) 1686 (1.5)
$40,000–$59,999 46,136 (13.8) 19,688 (13.7) 33,442 (13.1) 14,989 (13.0)
$60,000–$79,999 74,178 (22.2) 31,827 (22.2) 54,416 (21.3) 24,608 (21.3)
≥ $80,000 207,784 (62.3) 89,520 (62.4) 163,358 (63.9) 74,052 (64.0)
Unknown 531 (0.2) 229 (0.2) 696 (0.3) 319 (0.3)
Smoking a 0.976 0.001 0.995 0.000
No 263,105 (78.9) 113,062 (78.8) 193,424 (75.7) 87,490 (75.6)
Yes 36,477 (10.9) 15,709 (11.0) 48,072 (18.8) 21,764 (18.8)
Unknown 34,043 (10.2) 14,641 (10.2) 14,147 (5.5) 6400 (5.5)
Clinical characteristics
Body mass index a , kg/m2 0.993 0.002 1.000 0.001
< 18.5 4557 (1.4) 1971 (1.4) 1557 (0.6) 710 (0.6)
18.5 to < 25 79,831 (23.9) 34,382 (24.0) 48,830 (19.1) 22,114 (19.1)
25 to < 30 85,028 (25.5) 36,567 (25.5) 81,159 (31.7) 36,720 (31.7)
≥ 30 116,957 (35.1) 50,207 (35.0) 102,373 (40.0) 46,280 (40.0)
Unknown 47,252 (14.2) 20,284 (14.1) 21,724 (8.5) 9831 (8.5)
Charlson comorbidity score b , c 0.994 0.002 0.874 0.002
Mean (std dev) 0.3 (0.8) 0.3 (0.8) 0.74 (1.43) 0.7 (1.4)
Median (Q1, Q3) 0 (0, 0) 0 (0, 0) 0 (0, 1) 0 (0, 1)
Min, max 0, 16 0, 13 0, 17 0, 16
Charlson comorbidity score b , c 0.983 0.001 0.994 0.000
0 279,325 (83.7) 120,075 (83.7) 164,922 (64.5) 74,634 (64.5)
1 39,214 (11.8) 16,839 (11.7) 48,449 (19.0) 21,907 (18.9)
≥ 2 15,086 (4.5) 6499 (4.5) 42,272 (16.5) 19,113 (16.5)
Frailty index b , d 0.608 0.003 0.635 0.002
Mean (std dev) 0.1 (0.0) 0.1 (0.0) 0.1 (0.0) 0.1 (0.0)
Median (Q1, Q3) 0.1 (0.1, 0.1) 0.1 (0.1, 0.1) 0.1 (0.1, 0.1) 0.1 (0.1, 0.1)
Min, max 0.0, 0.4 0.1, 0.4 0.0, 0.4 0.0, 0.4
Frailty index b , d 0.983 0.001 1.000 0.000
Quartile 1 83,382 (25.0) 35,805 (25.0) 62,622 (24.5) 28,312 (24.5)
Quartile 2 45,896 (13.8) 19,690 (13.7) 65,184 (25.5) 29,498 (25.5)
Quartile 3 120,932 (36.2) 51,996 (36.3) 63,940 (25.0) 28,932 (25.0)
Quartile 4, most frail 83,415 (25.0) 35,921 (25.0) 63,897 (25.0) 28,911 (25.0)
Chronic diseases b
Kidney disease 2468 (0.7) 1061 (0.7) 0.991 0.000 9224 (3.6) 4162 (3.6) 0.883 0.001
Heart disease 1558 (0.5) 674 (0.5) 0.882 0.001 6475 (2.5) 2926 (2.5) 0.961 0.000
Liver disease 7746 (2.3) 3341 (2.3) 0.870 0.001 12,162 (4.8) 5502 (4.8) 0.997 0.000
Diabetes 18,387 (5.5) 7890 (5.5) 0.891 0.000 51,824 (20.3) 23,403 (20.2) 0.797 0.001
Immunocompromised e 8878 (2.7) 3818 (2.7) 0.983 0.000 10,595 (4.1) 4797 (4.1) 0.963 0.000
Respiratory conditions b
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema 3912 (1.2) 1691 (1.2) 0.854 0.001 6167 (2.4) 2804 (2.4) 0.819 0.001
Asthma 22,261 (6.7) 9557 (6.7) 0.913 0.000 16,762 (6.6) 7591 (6.6) 0.937 0.000
Healthcare utilization
Number of outpatient and virtual visits b 0.995 0.001 0.999 0.001
0 3912 (1.2) 1691 (1.2) 10,513 (4.1) 4766 (4.1)
1–4 22,261 (6.7) 9557 (6.7) 69,446 (27.2) 31,419 (27.2)
5–10 3912 (1.2) 1691 (1.2) 84,261 (33.0) 38,130 (33.0)
≥ 11 22,261 (6.7) 9557 (6.7) 91,422 (35.8) 41,338 (35.7)
Number of emergency department visits b 0.979 0.001 0.998 0.000
0 284,111 (85.2) 122,120 (85.2) 215,586 (84.3) 97,529 (84.3)
1 36,296 (10.9) 15,623 (10.9) 29,046 (11.4) 13,147 (11.4)
≥ 2 13,218 (4.0) 5669 (4.0) 11,011 (4.3) 4977 (4.3)
Number of hospitalizations b 0.987 0.001 0.986 0.001
0 317,205 (95.1) 136,338 (95.1) 245,846 (96.2) 111,210 (96.2)
1 14,195 (4.3) 6116 (4.3) 7355 (2.9) 3339 (2.9)
≥ 2 2226 (0.7) 958 (0.7) 2442 (1.0) 1105 (1.0)
Preventive care b , f 122,802 (36.8) 52,761 (36.8) 0.902 0.000 156,647 (61.3) 70,892 (61.3) 0.902 0.000
Receipt of influenza vaccine g 244,696 (73.3) 105,140 (73.3) 0.822 0.001 213,891 (83.7) 96,751 (83.7) 0.926 0.000
Receipt of COVID‐19 vaccine b 249,791 (74.9) 107,350 (74.9) 0.896 0.000 212,000 (82.9) 95,872 (82.9) 0.806 0.001
Concomitant vaccines h 61,917 (18.6) 26,582 (18.5) 0.849 0.001 69,080 (27.0) 31,303 (27.1) 0.780 0.001
Month of vaccination 0.982 0.002 0.986 0.002
August 2022 11,838 (3.5) 5088 (3.5) 10,551 (4.1) 4773 (4.1)
September 2022 105,342 (31.6) 45,326 (31.6) 93,937 (36.7) 42,532 (36.8)
October 2022 105,870 (31.7) 45,415 (31.7) 84,077 (32.9) 37,959 (32.8)
November 2022 72,285 (21.7) 31,050 (21.7) 45,403 (17.8) 20,527 (17.7)
December 2022 38,290 (11.5) 16,533 (11.5) 21,675 (8.5) 9863 (8.5)

Abbreviations: ASD = absolute standardized difference; Q1 = quartile 1; Q3 = quartile 3; SD = standard dose; std dev = standard deviation.


Defined in the two years prior to index date.


Defined in the one year prior to index date.


Possible range: 0–29 [11].


Possible range: 0–1 [12].


HIV/AIDS, leukemia/lymphoma, congenital/other immunodeficiencies, asplenia/hyposplenia, hematopoietic stem cell transplant/solid organ transplant, and receipt of immunosuppressive medications.


Includes screenings, preventive physical exams, and wellness visits.


During previous influenza season (August 2021 to April 2022).


Administered on index date.