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. 2024 Nov 21;80(1):gbae190. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbae190

Table 1.

Frequency and Percentage of Agreement With Abusive Behavior as Abusive by Age of Victim

Older adults (n = 93) Adults (n = 102) Children (n = 95)
Agree Unsure Disagree Agree Unsure Disagree Agree Unsure Disagree
Physical abuse average 55 (59%) 13 (14%) 25 (27%) 73 (72%) 14 (14%) 21 (21%) 48 (51%) 17 (18%) 30 (32%)
 Punching, beating, hitting 69 (74%) 0 24 (26%) 82 (80%) 1 (1%) 19 (19%) 68 (71%) 0 27 (28%)
 Restraining*** 49 (53%) 20 (21%) 24 (26%) 75 (74%)a 26 (26%) 20 (20%) 43 (45%) 26 (27%)a 26 (27%)
 Grabbing their wrist** 46 (50%) 19 (20%) 28 (30%) 63 (68%)a 15 (15%) 24 (24%) 33 (35%) 24 (25%) 38 (40%)a
Psychological abuse average 63 (68%) 4 (4%) 25 (27%) 81 (80%) 2 (2%) 19 (19%) 56 (59%) 10 (11%) 28 (30%)
 Verbal threatsb 68 (73%) 2 (2%) 23 (25%) 83 (81%) 1 (1%) 18 (18%) 65 (68%) 2 (2%) 26 (27%)
 Put downs or negative comments 63 (68%) 2 (2%) 28 (30%) 81 (79%) 1 (1%) 20 (20%) 63 (66%) 6 (6%) 26 (27%)
 Preventing from seeing friendsb,*** 59 (63%) 8 (9%) 25 (27%) 79 (78%)a 3 (3%) 19 (19%) 41 (43%) 22 (23%)a 32 (34%)a
Sexual abuse average 70 (75%) 0 24 (25%) 75 (74%) 5 (5%) 21 (21%) 69 (72%) 0 26 (28%)
 Inappropriate sexual acts 70 (75%) 0 23 (25%) 78 (77%) 3 (3%) 21 (21%) 69 (73%) 0 26 (27%)
 Sexual advancement without consent 70 (75%) 0 23 (25%) 78 (77%) 3 (3%) 21 (21%) 68 (71%) 0 27 (28%)
 Showing sexually explicit images without consent*** 68 (73%) 0a 25 (27%) 70 (69%) 10 (9%)a 22 (22%) 69 (73%) 0a 26 (27%)
Financial abuse average 64 (69%) 4 (4%) 25 (27%) 70 (69%) 9 (9%) 23 (23%) 47 (49%) 17 (18%) 31 (33%)
 Taking precious items** 59 (63%)a 7 (8%)a 27 (29%) 58 (57%) 18 (18%) 26 (26%) 40 (42%)a 20 (21%) 35 (37%)a
 Forcing change to a will*** 68 (73%) 2 (2%)a 23 (25%) 80 (78%)a 3 (3%) 19 (19%) 49 (52%)a 18 (19%)a 28 (30%)
 Spending someone’s money without consent* 64 (69%) 3 (3%) 26 (28%) 73 (72%) 5 (5%) 24 (24%) 51 (54%) 13 (14%)a 31 (33%)a
Neglect 65 (70%) 5 (5%) 23 (25%) 63 (62%) 14 (14%) 24 (26%) 65 (68%) 4 (4%) 26 (27%)
 Not bringing a person to the doctor when they are unwellb,* 62 (67%) 8 (9%) 22 (24%) 51 (50%)a 21 (21%)a 29 (28%) 63 (66%) 6 (6%)a 26 (27%)
 Not providing enough foodc,* 65 (70%) 4 (4%) 24 (26%) 65 (64%) 14 (14%)a 23 (23%) 67 (71%) 2 (2%)a 25 (26%)
 Not enough medicationc 67 (72%) 2 (2%) 23 (25%) 73 (72%) 8 (8%) 21 (21%) 65 (68%) 4 (4%) 26 (27%)
Average across abuse types 63 (68%) 5 (6%) 25 (25%) 73 (71%) 9 (9%) 22 (22%) 57 (60%) 10 (10%) 28 (30%)

Notes: Agree” values are based on participant selection of either “Strongly Agree” or “Agree.” “Disagree” values are based on participant selection of either “Strongly Disagree” or “Disagree.” Effect sizes for significant differences were medium to large, where the degrees of freedom are four, a Cramér’s V value of 0 < 0.05 is considered negligible, 0.05 < 0.15 is small, 0.15 < 0.25 is medium, and 0.25 or more is considered large (Cohen, 1988).

aAdjusted standardized residuals show a significant result.

bIndicates two missing responses for the item (i.e., n–2).

cIndicates one missing response for the item (i.e., n–1).

* p < .05.

** p < .01.

*** p < .001.