Question |
Answer choices |
Please select your current position |
Physician or advanced practice provider |
Registered nurse |
Respiratory therapist |
Student |
Pharmacist |
Other |
What type of clinician are you? |
Attending physician |
Resident physician |
Fellow |
Physician assistant |
Nurse practitioner |
How important do you believe it is for your patients to stop smoking cigarettes? |
Extremely important |
Very important |
Somewhat important |
Slightly important |
Not important |
Have you ever received smoking cessation training (course, formal lecture, etc.)? |
Yes |
No |
What type of training did you receive? Mark ALL THAT APPLY |
Live session (instructor-led virtual or in-person) |
Online module (self-directed) |
Lecture during professional school |
CE lecture (after obtaining a license) |
Receive training FROM my healthcare provider (as a patient) |
Other |
How often do you ask your patients about their tobacco use? |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Usually |
Always |
For patients who report tobacco use or have it documented in their chart, how often do you: Explicitly ADVISE THEM to QUIT (e.g., "It is very important for your health that you stop smoking") |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Usually |
Always |
For patients who report tobacco use or have it documented in their chart, how often do you: ASSESS their WILLINGNESS to QUIT (e.g., ask them if they are willing to start a quit attempt/set a quit date, want resources or medication, etc.) |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Usually |
Always |
For patients who report tobacco use or have it documented in their chart, how often do you: Use any CESSATION INTERVENTION (QuitLine, furnish cessation medication, including nicotine replacement, motivational interviewing, provide literature, etc.) |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Usually |
Always |
Please describe your comfort in your ability to offer smoking cessation COUNSELING to someone who is READY TO QUIT. |
Very comfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Uncomfortable |
Very uncomfortable |
Please describe your comfort in your ability to offer smoking cessation COUNSELING to someone who is NOT READY TO QUIT. |
Very comfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Uncomfortable |
Very uncomfortable |
What is your willingness to provide non-pharmacologic smoking cessation interventions? Interventions could include but are not limited to, counseling (>3 min), literature, and outside referral. |
Extremely Willing |
Very willing |
Somewhat willing |
Slightly willing |
Not willing |
How often do you OFFER formal smoking cessation to your patients (>3 minutes)? |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Usually |
Always |
If you provide formal smoking cessation to your patients (>3 minutes), how often do you BILL for it? |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Usually |
Always |
Please describe your COMFORT PRESCRIBING: |
Nicotine replacement (gum, patches, etc) |
Very comfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Neutral |
Uncomfortable |
Very uncomfortable |
Chantix (Varenicline) or Wellbutrin (Bupropion) |
Very comfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Neutral |
Uncomfortable |
Very uncomfortable |
QuitLine |
Very comfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Neutral |
Uncomfortable |
Very uncomfortable |
Smoking Cessation Clinic or Inpatient Consult Service |
Very comfortable |
Somewhat comfortable |
Neutral |
Uncomfortable |
Very uncomfortable |
Please describe your FAMILIARITY with the following: |
Nicotine replacement (gum, patches, etc.) |
Very familiar |
Somewhat familiar |
Unfamiliar |
Very unfamiliar |
Chantix (Varenicline) or Wellbutrin (Bupropion) |
Very familiar |
Somewhat familiar |
Unfamiliar |
Very unfamiliar |
QuitLine |
Very familiar |
Somewhat familiar |
Unfamiliar |
Very unfamiliar |
Smoking Cessation Clinic or Inpatient Consult Service |
Very familiar |
Somewhat familiar |
Unfamiliar |
Very unfamiliar |