Ccdc152full-locus del. mice have normal sperm function. (A) Papanicolaou staining of spermatozoa in (a) WT and (b–d)
Ccdc152full-locus del. mice. Scale bars = 20 µm (a–d) and 5 µm (c’, d’). Panels show (b) normal and (c, d) abnormal morphologies. (c, d) High-power images
of spermatozoa showing (c’) head and (d’) flagella abnormalities. (B–C) Abnormal morphology rate and sperm number in Ccdc152full-locus del. mice compared
with WT mice (Student’s t-test, mean ± SE, n = 3, * P < 0.05). (D) Sperm motility analysis in Ccdc152full-locus del. mice compared with
WT mice with incubation times of 10 and 120 min (Student’s t-test, mean ± SE, n = 3, * P < 0.05). VSL, Straight-line Velocity; VCL, Curvilinear Velocity; VAP,
Average Path Velocity.