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. 2024 Dec 6;12:1478302. doi: 10.3389/fped.2024.1478302

Table 1.

Social and demographic characteristics of the sample at enrollment.

Mean (SD)/n (%)
Maternal education
<High School 17 (9)
High School or GED 105 (55.5)
>High School 62 (32.8)
Marital/cohabiting status
Single 104 (55)
Married/cohabiting 85 (45)
Employed 108 (57.1)
Smoking in the household (yes) 38/(20)
Number of people/house 4.1 (1.5)
Child sex (female) 91 (48.2)
Child age (months) 29.5 (9.1)
Child race
Black/African-American 76 (40.2)
White 35 (18.5)
Mixed/other 78 (41.3)
Child ethnicity (Hispanic) 50 (26.5)
Child dental insurance
Medicaid 143 (75.7)
Child health plus 35 (18.5)
Private 10 (5.3)
None 1 (.5)

Not all n's sum to 189 because of missing response.