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. 2024 Apr 23;76(1):16–34. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erae187

Table 1.

Transcriptomic studies from Amaryllidoideae species

Species Reference Raw data Assembly Tissue Developmental stage Metabolomics
Amaryllis belladonna One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative (2019) ERR2040723 LDMEa Stem or leaf NA NA
Clivia miniata Q.M. Wang et al. (2018) PRJNA480383 NA Leaf Mature striped plants, young leaves NA
Y. Li et al. (2022) PRJNA813401 NA Fruit peel, flower, leaf NA Anthocyanins, flavonoids, terpenes
Crinum×powellii Koirala et al. (2023) PRJNA962562 Koirala et al. (2023) Leaf, bulb, basal plate, root, callus Undifferentiated callus and 4-week-old plants AA precursors and AAs
Galanthus elwesii Kilgore et al. (2016a) PRJNA306697 b Leaf, bulb, inflorescence Adult, blooming Galanthamine
G. sp. MBK-2015 Kilgore et al. (2016a) PRJNA306273 b Leaf, bulb, inflorescence Adult, blooming Galanthamine
Hippeastrum hybrid cultivar X. Li et al. (2022) PRJNA608969 NA Stamen 3-year-old plants, blooming NA
Y. Wang et al. (2018) PRJNA322243 NA Flower NA NA
H. vittatum PRJNA862291 NA Bud
Leucojum aestivum Tousignant et al. (2022) PRJNA720900 NA Bulb Dormant AAs
Lycoris aurea Wang et al. (2013) PRJNA188333 NA Stem, flower, leaf Bud, blooming, wilting NA
Ren et al. (2022) PRJNA574869c
NA Bulb Cross-cut bulb to bulblet formation Untargeted metabolomics, sugar content, JA, ABA, and ethylene
L. chinensis F. Zhang et al. (2022) PRJNA847051 NA Shoot apical meristem 1- to 4-year-old bulbs NA
L. incarnata PRJNA639315 NA Bulb Vegetative stage NA
L. longituba F. Zhang et al. (2022) PRJNA490415 NA Tepal Small, medium, and opening bud Floral volatile organic compounds, anthocyanins
Li et al. (2020) PRJNA590043 NA Bud, leaf, root 3 years old Galanthamine
Li et al. (2021) PRJNA720237c NA Seedling 7 d old AA precursors and AAs
L. radiata N. Wang et al. (2021) PRJCA006232d NA Petal Flowering Protoanthocyanidins and anthocyanins
Park et al. (2019) NA PRJNA529664 Bud, leaf, root NA Primary metabolites and galanthamine
Xu et al. (2020) PRJNA574731 NA Bulb Dormancy, competence, bud initiation, bud enlargement, bulblet emergence and bulblet development Hormones, starch, and soluble sugar
L. sprengeri F. Yang et al. (2021) PRJNA714286 NA Petal Adult, blooming Anthocyanins, flavonoid-biosynthesis related metabolites, and brassinolide
Ren et al. (2022) PRJNA574869c
NA Bulb Cross-cut bulb to bulblet formation Untargeted metabolomics, sugar content, JA, ABA, and ethylene
Narcissus papyraceus Hotchandani et al. (2019) PRJNA407433 NA Bulb Dormant Heterocyclic compounds, lycorine
N. pseudonarcissus Ferdausi et al. (2021); Pulman (2014) PRJNA264603 NA Basal plate and callus 4 months after planting NA
Singh and Desgagné-Penix (2017) PRJNA392294 NA Bulb Adult, blooming AAs, galanthamine
X. Li et al. (2018) PRJNA497707 NA Perianth and corona S4 flowering stage Carotenoids
N. aff. pseudonarcissus Kilgore et al. (2014) PRJNA301357 b Leaf, bulb, inflorescence Adult, blooming Galanthamine
N. tazetta Yang et al. (2023) PRJNA891931c NA NA NA Flavonoids, proanthocyanins, and anthocyanin
Y. Zhang et al. (2022) PRJNA855612 NA Corolla and tepal From bud to decay Carotenoid and flavonoid content
PRJNA296436 NA Yellow petal and yellow corona Early flowering
Ren et al. (2017) PRJNA340092
NA Tepal 5, 12, and 20 d after planting Chlorophyll, carotenoids, and flavonoids
G. Wang et al. (2018) PRJNA387061 NA Basal plate 3-year-old bulbs Flavonols
Yan-Hong et al. (2019) PRJNA487120 NA Bulb 3-year-old bulbs NA
He et al. (2020a, b) PRJNA523125 GSE126727 Corolla and petal Early flowering and full bloom NA
J. Yang et al. (2021) SUB10083597c
NA Corona and tepal Adult, blooming Flavonoids, carotenoids, chlorophyll, and volatile organic components
N. viridiflorus One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative (2019) ERR2040725
IQYY, XEUV, TRRQa Young vegetative tissue and flower NA NA
Phycella aff. cyrtanthoides One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative (2019) ERR3487375 DMINa Young vegetative tissue NA NA
Rhodophiala pratensis One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative (2019) ERR2040726 JDTYa Young vegetative tissue NA NA
Traubia modesta One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative (2019) ERR2040727 ZKPFa Young vegetative tissue NA NA
Zephyranthes candida Y. Zhang et al. (2022) PRJNA796382 NA Flower and flower stalk Adult, blooming NA
Z. treatiae One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative (2019) ERR2040728 DPFWa Young vegetative tissue NA NA

The accession number of the raw data, the assembly accession, the tissue and developmental stage sampled, and the metabolites quantified are included.

AA, Amaryllidaceae alkaloid; NA, not available

a Assembly available at GigaScience Database (

b Assembly available in the MedPlant RNASeq Database (

c The wrong acces sion number was provided.

d Data available on