Fig. 1. Ruminant animals have limited starch digestion ability.
Fecal starch (g/kg dry matter) content was analyzed at various digestive parts (stomach, small intestine, and large intestine) of sheep fed a high-starch diet (A) or high-fat diet (B). Note: Due to improper sample storage and insufficient sample volume, the N values of each group are not completely consistent. For a high-starch diet, N = 10, 7, 9, 9, 9, 10 biologically independent samples per intestinal regions, respectively. For a high-fat diet, N = 9, 7, 9, 8, 6, 10 biologically independent samples per intestinal regions, respectively. C Fecal starch (g/kg dry matter) content analysis at various breeds (pig, sheep and cattle) at the growth stage and fattening stage. D Due to improper sample storage and insufficient sample volume, the N values of each group are not completely consistent. In the growth stage, N = 23, 24, and 17 biologically independent samples/breeds, respectively. In the fattening stage, N = 13, 10, and 30 biologically independent samples/breeds, respectively. The standard error of the mean (SEM) is represented by error bars.