Hsa_circ_100791 regulates the expression of inflammatory factors in HNEpCs. (A) qRT-PCR confirmed the transfection efficiency of the hsa_circ_100791 overexpression vector or siRNA in HNEpCs. (B) The heatmap shows the differentially expressed genes between si-circ-100791 groups and NC groups, as analyzed by RNA-seq. (C) The biological process of gene ontology (GO) analysis of DEGs related to hsa_circ_100791 knockdown. (D) KEGG analysis of the DEGs related to hsa_circ_100791 knockdown. (E–N) qRT-PCR analysis shows the mRNA expression level of IL-1β, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-13, IL-17, IL-18, IL-33 and TNF-α was significantly enhanced in hsa_circ_100791 overexpression group and obviously reduced in hsa_circ_100791 knockdown group. (O and P) qRT-PCR analysis shows the mRNA expression level of IL-2, IFN-γ was significantly reduced in hsa_circ_100791 overexpression group and obviously enhanced in hsa_circ_100791 knockdown group. (Q) Western blot analysis further revealed that the protein expression levels of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 was enhanced in hsa_circ_100791 overexpression group and reduced in hsa_circ_100791 knockdown group. Data were presented as mean ± SEM. N= 3 for each group.
Abbreviations: HNEpCs, human nasal epithelial cell line; AR, allergic rhinitis; NC, negative control; RNA-seq, RNA sequencing; GO, gene ontology; DEGs, Differentially expressed genes; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; SEM, standard error of mean.