Dataset name |
The name of the dataset. This could be, for example, the vessel name, cruise name or number, the survey location, or other identifying information. |
Data category (TID) |
GEBCO type identifier code (TID), for example, multibeam, single beam. Table 2 shows the list of categories. |
Acquisition organisation |
Organisation(s) that collected or owns the data. |
Coordinate system |
The dataset coordinate system, provided by an EPSG code. |
Priority |
Determines which dataset to use in the case of overlapping data in the same grid cell through its quality or TID code. |
Contact information |
Name, Email, Organisation. |
Personal information consent/Data consent/Authority consent |
Consent that information about the provider can be stored in our database in AWS, consent that the data can be used in IBCAO, GEBCO and IBCSO, and that the provider has the authority to provide the data. |
DCDB consent |
Consent to provide the uploaded data to the IHO Data Center for Digital Bathymetry (IHO/DCDB), where the individual datasets can be downloaded. (IBCAO is not a repository for the provided bathymetric datasets, and does not distribute them further). |