Location | cDNA | Protein | Mutation class | Enamel affected | DEJ affected | References |
Intron 2 | c.52-2A>G | p.(Val18_Gln45del) | Splice site | - | - | Li et al. (2017) |
Exon 2 | c.52G>T | p.(Val18Phe) | Missense | - | - | Kim et al. (2005) |
Exon 2 | c.53T>A | p.(Val18Asp) | Missense | - | - | Lee et al. (2009) |
Exon 3 | c.133C>T | p.(Gln45X) | Nonsense | Enamel defects | Flat | Song et al. (2006) |
Exon 5 | c.3599_3634 del 36bp | Del1160-1171 | Frameshift | - | - | Dong et al. (2005) |
Exon 5 | c.3715_3716 ins 18bp | Ins1198-1199 | Frameshift | - | - | Dong et al. (2005) |
(“-” refers to not mentioned in the corresponding literature).