Loss of triacylglycerol synthesis enzymes sometimes alters yolk sac morphology.A,B, representative images of mogat3bc858;dgat2sa13945 mutants (A) and mogat3bc862;dgat2sa13945 mutants (B) with short (top) or no (bottom) yolk extensions (YE) at 3 dpf. Arrows indicate where the yolk extension should be located. Scale = 200 μm. C, all mogat3bc858;dgat2sa13945 mutants initially have a YE, but the YE can be lost as the embryo develops (arrows). However, the gut develops normally (6 dpf), and sometimes large residual lipid droplets are noted (arrowheads). Scale = 200 μm. D, The percentage of embryos per clutch exhibiting abnormal yolk extension morphology (lack of YE, short YE, broken YE) on 3 dpf from in-crosses of the noted parental genotypes (N = 4–9 clutches per genotype (clutch size ranged from 20 to 300 embryos)).