Figure 8.
Embryo health and survival is significantly affected by concurrent loss of four enzymes in the triacylglycerol synthesis pathway.A, representative images of embryos (3 dpf) and larvae (6 dpf) mutant for mogat3bc858;dgat1bc770;dgat1bc773;dgat2sa13945; Scale = 500 μm. The dashed white box in the bottom panel indicates the location of the inset; Scale = 100 μm. B, the percentage of embryos per clutch exhibiting abnormal yolk extension morphology (lack of YE, short YE, broken YE) on 3 dpf from in-crosses of the noted parental genotypes (N = 3–7 clutches per genotype (clutch size ranged from 24 to 600 embryos). C–H, standard length, mass and body mass index (BMI) data (C, E, G) for progeny from in-crosses of the noted parental genotypes at 14 weeks of age followed by genotyping. Graphs include data from both sexes; N = 2 to 3 clutches per genotype (n = 112 fish (C), n = 120 fish (E), n = 223 fish (G)); mean ± SD, One-way ANOVA, p < 0.0001 for all sets, Tukey’s multiple comparisons test ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001. D, F, H, representative images of fish at 15 weeks of age; Scale = 1 cm. I, representative images of dgat1bc770;dgat1bc773;dgat2sa13945/c765 and dgat1bc770;dgat1bc773;dgat2c765 triple mutant fish at 3 and 6 dpf; Scale = 500 μm. The dashed white box indicates the location of the image in panel J. J, lipid droplets are still visible in the YSL of dgat1bc770;dgat1bc773;dgat2c765 mutants, ∗ melanocyte; Scale = 100 μm. K, representative images of dgat1bc770;dgat1bc773;dgat2sa13945/c765 and dgat1bc770;dgat1bc773;dgat2c765 triple mutant fish at 15 weeks of age; Scale = 1 cm. L–N, standard length, mass and body mass index (BMI) data at 14 weeks of age of progeny from in-crosses of mogat3bc858/+;dgat1ac770/+;dgat1bc773/+;dgat2sa13945/c765 and mogat3bc858/+;dgat1ac770/+;dgat1bc773/+;dgat2c765 or mogat3bc858/+;dgat1ac770;dgat1bc773;dgat2sa13945/c765 x mogat3bc858/+;dgat1ac770/+;dgat1bc773/+;dgat2c765 parents. Graphs include data from both sexes, for clarity only selected genotypes are shown; N = 16 clutches (n = 77 of the shown genotypes, 431 total fish); mean ± SD, One-way ANOVA for shown genotypes, p = 0.0722 (L), p = 0.0843 (M), p = 0.1665 (N). O, representative images of mogat3bc858/+;dgat1ac770;dgat1bc773;dgat2c765 and mogat3bc858;dgat1ac770;dgat1bc773;dgat2c765 quadruple mutants at 3 dpf; Scale = 500 μm.