Bacterial profile of raw plant-based ground meat simulation products. A, Family-level composition of plant-based meat analogues (PBMAs)-associated bacteria. Each stacked bar represents an independent sample replicate. B, Number of shared and unique bacterial genus among samples belonging to different PBMA brands depicted in an UpSet plot. The bar chart (top) illustrates number of non-redundant genera detected from intersecting brand(s) highlighted using filled-in cells (bottom). C-F, Principal coordinate analysis of weighted Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix (C, D) and taxa richness at the genus-level (E, F) of bacterial communities recovered from uncultured (C, E) and cultured (D, F) retail PBMA samples. Each dot represents a replicate of individual PBMA samples colored according to brand. The percentages of total variance explained by each principal coordinate are displayed in the axis labels (C, D).