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. 2024 Dec 4;29(1):101151. doi: 10.1016/j.bjpt.2024.101151

Table 1.

Distribution of low back pain prevalence according to study variables.

Study Variables Low Back Pain
Prev. 95 % CI Total
n % n % n %
Region <0.001
 Taparacá 191 75.7 60 24.3 0.4 0.31, 0.61 251 2.0
 Antofogasta 403 86.3 69 13.7 0.4 0.34, 0.53 472 3.8
 Atacama 222 75.5 78 24.6 0.4 0.28, 0.50 300 2.4
 Coquimbo 435 79.9 114 20.1 0.8 0.69, 1.05 549 4.5
 Valparaiso 1155 81.4 282 8.0 1.2 1.72, 2.23 1437 11.7
 O´higgins 438 77.6 142 22.4 1.16 0.96, 1.40 580 4.7
 Maule 600 86.1 120 13.9 0.8 0.65, 1.02 720 5.9
 Biobio 1233 74.9 408 25.1 3.0 2.54, 3.46 1641 13.4
 La Araucanía 498 72.8 190 27.2 1.5 1.29, 1.78 688 5.6
 Los Lagos 414 81.1 107 18.9 0.9 0.75, 1.12 521 4.2
 Aysen 227 80.7 48 19.3 0.1 0.07, 0.15 275 2.2
 Magallanes y La A.C 204 82.1 49 17.9 0.1 0.10, 0.22 253 2.1
 Metropolitana 2945 76.3 901 23.7 9.7 8.73, 10.68 3846 31.3
 Los Rios 317 78.7 97 21.3 0.4 0.34, 0.60 414 3.4
 Arica y Parinacota 246 77.4 72 22.6 0.2 0.15, 0.27 318 2.6
 Total 9528 77.9 2737 22.1 22.0 21.02, 23.13 12265 100
Sex <0.001
 Male 4206 79.5 1101 20.5 9.9 9.09, 10.72 5307 43.3
 Female 5322 76.4 1636 23.6 12.2 11.37, 13.03 6958 56.7
Age Group <0.001
 18 to 30 years old 2297 90.0 273 10.0 2.5 2.13, 2.91 2570 20.9
 30 to 50 years old 3228 77.0 934 23.0 7.7 7.00, 8.45 4162 33.9
 50 to 65 years old 2209 70.1 894 29.8 7.4 6.74, 8.18 3103 25.3
 >65 years old 1794 73.4 636 26.5 4.4 3.97, 4.63 2430 19.8
Educational Level <0.001
 No Education 258 76.5 79 23.4 0.6 0.44, 0.79 337 2.7
 Incomplete Primary Level 1379 72.3 527 27.7 3.8 3.38, 4.28 1906 15.5
 Complete Primary Level 1005 69.9 409 30.4 3.3 2.88, 3.82 1414 11.5
 Incomplete Secondary Level 1311 75.6 449 24.4 3.4 3.05, 3.89 1760 14.3
 Complete Secondary Level 2640 76.6 772 23.4 6.5 5.91, 7.26 3412 27.8
 Incomplete Higher Education 1120 86.7 173 13.4 1.7 1.36, 2.06 1293 10.5
 Graduated 1810 85.1 328 14.8 2.6 2.25, 3.10 2138 17.5
Marital Status <0.001
 Single 3168 86.5 591 13.5 4.4 3.89, 4.91 3759 30.6
 Married/Stable Union 4615 74.2 1490 25.8 13.7 12.90, 14.63 6105 49.8
 Widower 881 71.6 331 28.4 2.0 1.69, 2.36 1212 9.9
 Separated / Divorced 864 72.6 325 27.4 1.9 1.62, 2.28 1189 9.7
Working Situation - Worked at least 1 hour in the last week 0.2350
 No 4360 78.7 1271 21.3 9.4 8.75, 10.17 5631 45.5
 Yes 5168 77.3 1466 22.7 12.6 11.66, 13.63 6634 54.5
Income quintiles <0.001
 V (larger) 1818 83.9 381 16.1 2.9 2.50, 4.93 2199 17.9
 IV 1877 78.8 532 21.2 4.4 3.91, 4.93 2409 19.6
 III 1929 77.2 579 22.8 4.8 4.31, 5.43 2508 20.4
 II 1954 75.4 605 24.6 5.1 4.54, 5.78 2559 20.9
 I (smaller) 1950 74.8 640 25.2 4.7 4.27, 5.30 2590 21.1
Type of Housing 0.0570
 House 3772 77.9 1079 22.1 8.4 7.73, 9.16 4851 39.5
 “House with wall and roof neighbor on one side” 2946 76.5 892 23.5 7.7 6.97, 8.53 3838 31.3
 “House with wall and roof neighbor on both sides” 1447 79.5 384 20.5 2.9 2.48, 3.41 1831 14.9
 Apartment in a building with elevator 395 84.2 77 15.8 0.8 0.59, 1.11 472 3.8
 Apartment in a building without elevator 803 78.5 245 21.5 1.8 1.37, 2.30 1048 8.5
 Tenement 29 69.2 12 30.8 0.1 0.04, 0.27 41 0.3
 “Emergency housing” 103 69.9 38 30.1 0.2 0.13, 0.42 141 1.1
 “Ranch or Cabin” 1 36.1 2 63.9 0.0 0.00, 0.03 3 0.0
 Precarious accommodation made with reused materials 10 87.8 3 12.2 0.0 0.00, 0.06 13 0.1
 No information 22 74.4 5 25.6 0.0 0.01, 0.12 27 0.2
Health Rating <0.001
 Very good 1431 93.2 100 6.8 0.9 0.70, 1.21 1531 12.5
 Good 4694 84.8 842 15.2 7.0 6.37, 7.72 5536 45.1
 Regular 2828 66.0 1383 34.0 10.9 10.18, 11.80 4211 34.3
 Poor 476 59.7 349 40.3 2.7 2.28, 3.12 825 6.7
 Very poor 93 61.4 62 38.8 0.4 0.32, 0.62 155 1.3
 No information 6 69.7 1 30.3 0.0 0.002, 0.12 7 0.1