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. 2024 Dec 4;29(1):101151. doi: 10.1016/j.bjpt.2024.101151

Table 2.

Distribution of capacity means according to study variables.

Study Variables Low back pain
Region Mean 95 %CI Mean 95 %CI Mean 95 %CI
 Taparacá 22.8 18.23, 27.36 34.6 30.48, 38.67 25.6 21.75, 29.57
 Antofogasta 19.7 17.70, 21.80 31.0 27.89, 34.11 21.3 19.60, 23.00
 Atacama 25.7 22.60, 28.81 40.0 36.94, 43.01 29.2 27.05, 31.34
 Coquimbo 25.2 23.10, 27.28 37.4 34.29, 40.56 27.6 25.71, 29.59
 Valparaiso 25.0 23.84, 26.18 37.7 35.49, 39.84 27.7 26.28, 28.44
 O´higgins 24.4 22.29, 26.60 40.4 38.02, 42.84 28.0 26.21, 29.84
 Maule 25.7 23.95, 27.37 36.5 33.90, 39.04 27.2 25.60, 28.73
 Biobio 23.6 22.47, 24.83 37.5 35.42, 39.67 27.1 25.91, 28.36
 La Araucanía 24.2 22.21, 26.29 35.2 32.60, 37.78 27.2 25.49, 28.95
 Los Lago 25.9 24.06, 27.75 34.0 29.87, 38.23 27.4 25.56, 29.32
 Aysen 22.3 19.96, 24.57 32.6 27.26, 37.93 24.2 22.55, 25.96
 Magallanes y La A.C 27.4 23.24, 31.49 37.3 31.35,43.20 29.1 25.83, 32.45
 Metropolitana 23.9 23.06, 24.77 36.6 35.06, 38.16 26.9 26.07, 27.78
 Los Rios 28.0 25.71, 30.43 40.1 36.43, 43.84 30.6 28.04, 33.24
 Arica y Parinacota 32.4 30.20, 34.70 41.4 37.65, 45.13 34.5 32.99, 35.94
 Male 21.1 20.42, 21.77 34.1 32.83, 35.29 23.7 23.11, 24.39
 Female 27.6 26.89, 28.23 39.1 38.12, 40.15 30.3 29.67, 30.91
Age Group
 18 to 30 years old 17.8 17.04, 18.65 30.5 28.61, 32.40 19.1 18.32, 19.90
 30 to 50 years old 21.1 20.34, 21.87 32.7 31.29, 34.06 23.7 23.04, 24.50
 50 to 65 years old 28.9 27.99, 29.88 38.6 37.24, 39.98 31.8 30.99, 32.66
 >65 years old 36.7 35.58, 37.81 44.8 43.04, 46.54 38.8 37.88, 39.80
Educational Level
 No Education 44.1 41.25, 47.04 51.2 46.46, 51.93 45.8 43.33, 48.26
 Incomplete Primary Level 32.7 31.52, 33.92 41.6 39.77, 43.36 35.2 34.09, 36.26
 Complete Primary Level 28.2 26.75, 29.70 39.4 37.39, 41.45 31.6 30.21, 32.98
 Incomplete Secondary Level 25.2 23.92, 26.45 37.1 35.21, 38.98 28.1 27.00, 29.17
 Complete Secondary Level 22.8 21.95, 23.69 34.1 32.85, 35.36 25.5 24.72, 26.21
 Incomplete Higher Education 19.2 18.09, 20.39 33.5 30.34, 36.58 21.1 20.00, 22.25
 Graduated 19.8 18.78, 20.73 32.4 30.49, 34.26 21.6 20.70, 22.56
Marital Status
 Single 20.7 19.93, 21.54 34.9 33.38, 36.45 22.6 21.86, 23.42
 Married / Stable Union 24.6 23.99, 25.31 35.9 34.80, 36.96 27.5 26.96, 28.13
 Widower 37.9 36.30, 39.53 46.1 44.00, 48.28 40.2 38.90, 41.61
 Separated / Divorced 28.9 27.42, 30.37 38.6 36.11, 41.17 31.6 30.20, 32.92
Working Situation - Worked at least 1 hour in the last week
 No 29.0 28.26, 29.76 41.9 40.79, 43.15 31.8 31.06, 32.48
 Yes 20.6 20.03, 21.20 33.0 31.99, 34.09 23.4 22.87, 23.99
Income quintiles
 V (larger) 20.6 19.54, 21.71 32.8 30.87, 34.70 22.6 21.58, 23.57
 IV 23.2 22.26, 24.24 35.0 33.35, 36.70 25.7 24.86, 26.63
 III 24.1 23.06, 25.09 37.1 35.46, 38.72 27.0 26.07, 28.01
 II 27.4 26.35, 28.45 38.1 36.55, 39.61 30.1 29.06, 30.99
 I (smaller) 26.7 25.66, 27.77 39.5 37.76, 41.29 29.9 29.00, 30.87
Type of Housing
House 24.3 23.51, 25.04 37.1 35.83, 38.45 27.1 26.37, 27.87
“House with wall and roof neighbor on one side” 25.1 24.29, 25.90 37.1 35.45, 38.70 27.9 27.15, 28.67
 “House with wall and roof neighbor on both sides” 25.0 23.87, 26.09 37.9 35.86, 39.89 27.6 26.57, 28.67
 Apartment in a building with elevator 21.1 18.96, 23.31 32.8 38.92, 36.66 22.9 20.93, 25.01
 Apartment in a building without elevator 23.1 21.20, 25.05 35.8 33.02, 38.52 25.8 23.99, 27.71
 Tenement 22.1 18.82, 26.31 29.2 24.23, 34.10 24.2 21.12, 27.38
 “Emergency housing” 22.9 18.18, 27.71 31.9 24.33, 39.45 25.6 21.15, 30.13
 “Ranch or Cabin” 0.2 - 51.1 46.54, 55.73 32.7 2.78, 62.70
 Precarious accommodation made with reused materials 30.5 15.16, 45.78 58.8 56.0, 61.52 33.9 19.76, 48.08
 No information 34.8 23.00, 46.64 38.3 31.70, 44.87 35.7 26.93, 44.48
Health Rating
 Very good 11.7 10.89, 12.56 23.8 17.80, 29.91 12.5 11.61, 13.48
 Good 20.1 19.54, 20.63 27.6 26.59, 28.69 21.2 20.73, 21.73
 Regular 34.1 33.32, 34.83 39.6 38.68, 40.53 35.9 35.36, 36.55
 Poor 49.2 47.79, 50.68 51.0 49.49, 52.59 49.9 48.92, 51.01
 Very poor 58.3 55.00, 61.58 55.8 53.11, 58.53 57.3 55.10, 59.57
 No information 30.1 14.53, 45.66 48.8 / 35.7 21.92, 49.61