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. 2024 Dec 23;14(12):e70724. doi: 10.1002/ece3.70724


Categorization of ecological factors associated with Diploderma splendidum was investigated within 5 × 5 m plots in Leibo in this study.

Ecological factor type Ecological factor Definition
Numerical factors Tree height (cm) Average height of trees within plots
Perch height (cm) Vertical elevation of arboreal habitat utilized by lizard, measured from ground level within plots
Rock height (cm) Average height of all rocks within plots
Rock size (cm) Average size of all rocks within plots
Distance from nearest water (m) Minimum horizontal distance from plot to water source (including springs, rivers, and other water bodies, without snow)
Distance from nearest road (m) Horizontal distance from plot to nearest road (including transporting, farming, or grazing)
Light intensity (Lux) Light intensity at capture point or centroid within plots
Categorical factors Vegetation type Main vegetation types were determined according to the vegetation composition of each plot and were divided into four types: Herb, Shrub and herb, Forest and herb, and Forest shrub and herb
Vegetation density Quantity of trees in plot with three categories: lower (< 1 m), middle (2–7 m), and upper (> 8 m)
Vegetation coverage Proportion of upper canopy coverage relative to ground surface in plot with three categories: lower (< 20%), middle (20%–60%), and upper (> 60%)
Substrate status Looseness of substrate in plot with three categories: loose (soil), general (soil‐macadam mix), firm (macadam) (contains more than 50% of substance)