Numerical factors |
Tree height (cm) |
Average height of trees within plots |
Perch height (cm) |
Vertical elevation of arboreal habitat utilized by lizard, measured from ground level within plots |
Rock height (cm) |
Average height of all rocks within plots |
Rock size (cm) |
Average size of all rocks within plots |
Distance from nearest water (m) |
Minimum horizontal distance from plot to water source (including springs, rivers, and other water bodies, without snow) |
Distance from nearest road (m) |
Horizontal distance from plot to nearest road (including transporting, farming, or grazing) |
Light intensity (Lux) |
Light intensity at capture point or centroid within plots |
Categorical factors |
Vegetation type |
Main vegetation types were determined according to the vegetation composition of each plot and were divided into four types: Herb, Shrub and herb, Forest and herb, and Forest shrub and herb |
Vegetation density |
Quantity of trees in plot with three categories: lower (< 1 m), middle (2–7 m), and upper (> 8 m) |
Vegetation coverage |
Proportion of upper canopy coverage relative to ground surface in plot with three categories: lower (< 20%), middle (20%–60%), and upper (> 60%) |
Substrate status |
Looseness of substrate in plot with three categories: loose (soil), general (soil‐macadam mix), firm (macadam) (contains more than 50% of substance) |