Association between siesta (sometimes/usually) compared with no siesta (never/rarely) and obesity as a function of Siesta‐Polygenic Score (Siesta‐PGS; primary result). Odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI. Interaction p value (P int) from likelihood ratio test. The never/rarely category includes frequency of siesta of never or once or twice per week. The sometimes/usually category includes frequency of siesta three to six times per week. For example, for the lowest Siesta‐PGS standardized value (−2.1; i.e., lower siesta genetic propensity), those who usually take siesta have an OR of having obesity 1.9 higher than those who do not take siesta, whereas, among those participants with the highest genetic propensity for siesta (Siesta‐PGS value 2.1), those who usually take siesta have an OR of having obesity 0.6 lower than those who do not take siesta. [Color figure can be viewed at]