Measured room-temperature
2nd-order rate constants (M–1 s–1) as a function of pH, measured by 1H NMR for hydroxyacetone
reactions with glycine (Gly, red), methylamine
(MeAm, blue), and ammonium sulfate (AS, black), initial concentrations
of all reactants = 0.5 M. Rate constants were calculated from initial
loss rates of reactant signals, and the ±1σ error bars
derived from uncertainties in fitted slopes shown for the methylamine
reaction data set are typical for all three data sets. HA losses were
followed at the CH3 signal (2.14 ppm, open triangles) and
the CH2 signal (attached to the OH group, 4.4 ppm, open
squares). HA losses with each reduced nitrogen species were fit with
linear functions. Amine loss rate constants (filled diamonds) are
shown for methylamine CH3 (2.58 ppm, blue) and glycine
CH2 (3.55 ppm, red signals) when such losses were observable.
AS losses could not be quantified by 1H NMR.