Species | Depth1 | Population size2 | Adult habitat1 | Site fidelity3,4 | Peak parturition1 | Larval duration5 | Population structure |
Black | S | P | D | M | I‐V | L | N |
Puget Sound | S | P/H | P | — | VIII‐IX | — | N |
Canary | D | D | P | L | I‐II | L | N |
Yellowtail | D | P | D | — | I‐IV | L | Y |
Greenstriped | D | H | B | M | VI | S | Y |
Redstripe | D | H | D | — | IV‐VII | L | Y |
Yelloweye | D | D | B/D | H | V‐VI | L | Y |
Quillback | M | P/V | B | H | IV | L | Y |
Note: Depth (Shallow (S): < 50 m, midwater (M): 50–100 m, deep (D): 100+ m); population size (healthy (H), precautionary (P), vulnerable (V) and depleted (D)); adult habitat (benthic (B), demersal (D), pelagic (P)); site fidelity (high (H): > 25 m, moderate (M): 15–25 m, low (L): > 15 m); peak parturition (calendar month); larval duration (long (L): > 2 months, short (S): ≤ 2 months). Depth, adult habitat, and peak parturition are from Love, Yoklavich, and Thorsteinson (2002)[1]. Population size estimates are from Palsson et al. (2009)[2]. Site fidelity estimates are from Hannah and Rankin (2011)[3] and Lowe et al. (2009)[4]. Larval duration estimates are from Carr and Syms (2006)[5]. The presence of population structure is based on results from Figure 2, Table 1, Wray et al. (2024), and Andrews et al. (2018). Copper and Brown Rockfish are not included in the table due to the influence of hybridisation on population structure (see Wray et al. 2024).