A) Magnetic field map imaging of a 41 year old male with known IHD, new class IV angina and non-ischemic 12‑lead ECG. LVEF was 51 % with inferior wall motion abnormality. Coronary angiography of patient 2A demonstrated 2 vessel CAD. MCG obtained same day was abnormal (increased dynamic motion of the effective dipole vector as indicated by the vectors shown in white). B) 50 year old male with body mass index of 36.2 kg/m2, atypical chest pain and normal 12‑lead ECG. Stress nuclear scan showed 15 % reversible defect inferiorly. Cardiac catheterization revealed no CAD. MCG performed on the same day was normal. (Stable motion -no dispersion- of the effective dipole vector as indicated by the vectors shown in white). C) MCG of a 40 year old healthy female demonstrating a very stable dipole vector during repolarization. All images show the MCG time traces of individual channels (*), superposition of MCG traces of the same beat acquired on all channels; red vertical lines show the repolarization epoch between T3 and T4 (**), and the magnetic field topography maps (***). The white vectors demonstrate the magnetic dipole vector trajectory during ventricular repolarization.
The vectors (indicated by solid white arrow sequences, each representing a single timepoint within the T3 and T4 interval (repolarization epoch) in the ischemic patient (Fig. 2A) show dispersion in repolarization which is also apparent in the lack of clear dipolar distribution in magnetic field map (there is no clear circular red pole); the non-ischemic patient (Fig. 2B) and the normal healthy subject (Fig. 2C) show no dispersion and clear dipolar distribution in magnetic field map. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)