Correlation between the requirement for adrenergic signaling in memory retrieval and in extinction. (A) Retrieval and extinction of cued (tone) fear is independent of adrenergic signaling. One group of mice was exposed to the training tone (TT) and another group to a distinct tone (DT) in context T (for tone testing, distinct from context S) on day 1. All mice were exposed to the TT on day 2 in context T. Data points represent 2-min blocks. Within genotype, freezing on day 2 was significantly different depending on tone exposure on day 1 (P < 0.0001). (B) Retrieval and extinction of contextual fear on days 5 and 6 is independent of adrenergic signaling. Data points represent 5-min blocks. Within genotype, freezing on day 6 was significantly different depending on day 5 context exposure (P < 0.05). Importantly, for both graphs, there were no significant differences by genotype. Data were analyzed by repeated-measures ANOVA with exposure condition, genotype, and day as factors.