Imagine that we roll a fair, six-sided die 1,000 times. Out of 1,000 rolls, how many times do you think the die would come up as an even number? RANGE 0..1000
In the BIG BUCKS LOTTERY, the chances of winning a $10.00 prize are 1%. What is your best guess about how many people would win a $10.00 prize if 1,000 people each buy a single ticket from BIG BUCKS? RANGE 0..1000 lip003
In the ACME PUBLISHING SWEEPSTAKES, the chance of winning a car is 1 in 1,000. What percent of tickets of ACME PUBLISHING SWEEPSTAKES win a car? RANGE 0.0..100.0
If the chance of getting a disease is 10%, how many people would be expected to get the disease out of 1000? RANGE 0..1000
If the chance of getting a disease is 20 out of 100, this would be the same as having how much of a percent chance of getting the disease? RANGE 0..9223372036854775807
Suppose you have a close friend who has a lump in her breast and must have a mammogram. Of 100 women like her, 10 of them actually have a malignant tumor and 90 of them do not. Of the 10 women who actually have a tumor, the mammogram indicates correctly that 9 of them have a tumor and indicates incorrectly that 1 of them does not have a tumor. Of the 90 women who do not have a tumor, the mammogram indicates correctly that 80 of them do not have a tumor and indicates incorrectly that 10 of them do have a tumor. The table below summarizes all of this information. Imagine that your friend tests positive (as if she had a tumor), what is the likelihood that she actually has a tumor?
A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? NUMBER (DECIMALS ALLOWED)
In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake? NUMBER (DECIMALS ALLOWED)