Serum from individuals post-training decreased rate limiting glycolytic enzymes HK2 and PFKFB3 in APOE-ε4 hiBMEC relative to serum collected pre-training. (a) Representative Western blots with quantification of (b) GLUT1, (c) HK2, (d) PFKFB3, and (e) LDH relative to housekeeper β-actin in APOE-ε3 and -ε4 hiBMEC following 24 h of treatment with 20% serum from genotype matched individuals pre- and post-exercise training. (n = 9 donors per genotype and condition). Glycolytic measures of (f) glucose uptake (YSI), (g) lactate secretion (YSI), and (h) basal GlycoPER (Seahorse Glycolytic Rate assay) in APOE-ε3 and -ε4 hiBMEC following 24 h of treatment with 20% serum from genotype matched individuals pre- and post-exercise training. (n = 9 donors per genotype). Data were analysed using repeated measures two-way ANOVA with Fisher's Least Significant Difference Test.