Fig. 5. Modulation of seizure-associated behaviors and spike burst discharges in repo > dube3a flies with vortioxetine and ketanserin.
(A) Representative activity patterns as determined by HMC in control-diet repo > w1118 flies, and repo > dube3a flies fed either control diet, vortioxetine (VTX, 0.4 μM) or ketanserin (KET, 0.4 μM). Plots constructed as in Fig. 2C, red bar indicates high-temperature period. (B—C) Box plots of (B) immobilization time and (C) high velocity events during the high-temperature period in the respective groups. (D) Representative traces of DLM spiking in repo > dube3a flies treated with VTX or KET compared to repo > dube3a and repo > w1118 flies reared on the control diet. (E-F) Quantification of (E) overall firing frequency and (F) burst frequency in the respective groups. Sample sizes as indicated, statistical significance determined by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, rank-sum post hoc test vs the respective control-fed repo > dube3a group. (* p ≤ 0.05; ** p ≤ 0.01; *** p ≤ 0.001).