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. 2024 Nov 18;13(11):5231–5239. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1026_24

Table 4.

Association between the variables and the nutritional status of the respondents according to BMI for age and height for age (n=401)

Nutritional status

BMI for age Height for age

Under nourished (n=47) Normal (n=328) Over nourished (n=26) χ2 P Severe stunting (n=22) Moderate stunting (n=88) Normal (n=291) χ2 P

n % n % n % n % n % n %
Sociodemographic Profile of the Family
 OBC 42 89.4 285 86.9 23 88.5 0.3 0.88 20 90.9 77 87.5 253 86.9 0.3 0.86
 Other than OBC 5 10.6 43 13.1 3 11.5 2 9.1 11 12.5 38 13.1
Single Parenting
 No 43 91.5 303 92.4 25 96.2 0.6 0.75 21 95.5 81 92.0 269 92.4 0.3 0.86
 Yes 4 8.5 25 7.6 1 3.8 1 4.5 7 8.0 22 7.6
Educational Status of Father
 Illiterate 10 21.3 46 14.0 1 3.8 5.6 0.23 2 9.1 13 14.8 42 14.4 1.7 0.80
 Up to middle school 26 55.3 182 55.5 14 53.8 15 68.2 49 55.7 158 54.3
 Above middle school 11 23.4 100 30.5 11 42.3 5 22.7 26 29.5 91 31.3
Educational Status of Mother
 Illiterate 16 34.0 82 25.0 4 15.4 4.8 0.30 5 22.7 22 25.0 75 25.8 0.9 0.93
 Up to middle school 23 48.9 204 62.2 19 73.1 13 59.1 53 60.2 180 61.9
 Above middle school 8 17.0 42 12.8 3 11.5 4 18.2 13 14.8 36 12.4
Occupational Status of Father*
 Skilled and above 27 61.4 209 68.1 14 56.0 2.1 0.35 11 52.4 49 59.8 190 69.6 4.7 0.09
 Unemployed/Unskilled 17 38.6 98 31.9 11 44.0 10 47.6 33 40.2 83 30.4
Occupational Status of Mother#
 Skilled and above 7 15.2 87 26.9 6 23.1 3.0 0.23 6 27.3 19 21.8 75 26.1 0.7 0.70
 Unemployed/unskilled 39 84.8 237 73.1 20 76.9 16 72.7 68 78.2 212 73.9
Kuppuswamy Socio-economic Scale
 Upper middle/upper 3 6.4 16 4.9 0 0.0 3.9 0.42 1 4.5 2 2.3 16 5.5 2.9 0.59
 Lower middle 11 23.4 100 30.5 11 42.3 5 22.7 31 35.2 86 29.6
 Lower/upper lower 33 70.2 212 64.6 15 57.7 16 72.7 55 62.5 189 64.9
Type of Family
 Nuclear 38 80.9 222 67.7 15 57.7 4.8 0.09 15 68.2 53 60.2 207 71.1 3.7 0.16
 Extended/joint 9 19.1 106 32.3 11 42.3 7 31.8 35 39.8 84 28.9
Details of the respondent
Age in Years
 <17 28 59.6 140 42.7 14 53.8 5.6 0.06 9 40.9 42 47.7 131 45 0.4 0.82
 ≥17 19 40.4 188 57.3 12 46.2 13 59.1 46 52.3 160 55
Birth Order
 ≤2 35 74.5 227 69.2 17 65.4 0.8 0.68 12 54.5 59 67 208 71.5 3.1 0.21
 >2 12 25.5 101 30.8 9 34.6 10 45.5 29 33 83 28.5
Vaccination History
 Appropriate for age 24 51.1 154 47.0 18 69.2 4.9 0.09 17 77.3 45 51.1 134 46 8.2 0.02
 Partially/not immunized 23 48.9 174 53.0 8 30.8 5 22.7 43 48.9 157 54
Respondent Goes to School or College?
 Yes 41 87.2 259 79.0 22 84.6 2.1 0.35 14 63.6 63 71.6 245 84.2 10.9 0.004
 No 6 12.8 69 21.0 4 15.4 8 36.4 88 28.4 291 15.8
Educational Status
 >10 15 31.9 196 59.8 11 42.3 14.8 0.001 8 36.4 45 51.1 169 58.1 4.7 0.10
 ≤10 32 68.1 132 40.2 15 57.7 14 63.6 43 48.9 122 41.9
Dietary assessment
Adequate calorie intake (EAR) by the 24-hour recall
 Yes 47 100.0 326 99.4 26 100.0 0.5 0.78 0 0 0 0 8 2.7 3.1 0.21
 No 0 0.0 2 0.6 0 0.0 22 100 88 100 283 97.3
Adequate protein intake (EAR) by the 24-hour recall
 Yes 28 59.6 187 57.0 12 46.2 1.5 0.48 3 13.6 25 28.4 85 29.2 2.5 0.29
 No 19 40.4 141 43.0 14 53.8 19 19 86.4 63 71.6 206 70.8
Food frequency patterns
Vegetables daily
 Yes 32 68.1 260 79.3 17 65.4 5.1 0.08 16 72.7 62 70.5 231 79.4 3.3 0.19
 No 15 31.9 68 20.7 9 34.6 6 27.3 26 29.5 60 20.6
Pulses daily
 Yes 14 29.8 91 27.7 5 19.2 1.0 0.60 7 31.8 19 21.6 84 28.9 2.0 0.36
 No 33 70.2 237 72.3 21 80.8 15 68.2 69 78.4 207 71.1
Consumes non-vegetarian
 Yes 27 57.4 247 75.3 19 73.1 6.7 0.04 17 77.3 62 70.5 214 73.5 0.5 0.77
 No 20 42.6 81 24.7 7 26.9 5 22.7 26 29.5 77 26.5
Milk products daily^
 Yes 11 23.9 61 19.9 2 8.7 2.3 0.32 3 15.0 13 15.5 58 21.3 1.7 0.43
 No 35 76.1 246 80.1 21 91.3 17 85.0 71 84.5 214 78.7
Fruits daily`
 Yes 14 29.8 80 24.6 8 30.8 1.0 0.62 7 31.8 19 21.8 76 26.3 1.2 0.56
 No 33 70.2 245 75.4 18 69.2 15 68.2 68 78.2 213 73.7
Beverages daily”
 No 15 34.9 129 42.9 7 31.8 1.9 0.40 7 31.8 38 46.3 106 40.5 1.8 0.42
 Yes 28 65.1 172 57.1 15 68.2 15 68.2 44 53.7 156 59.5
Snacks daily
 No 17 36.2 105 32.0 8 30.8 0.4 0.84 12 54.5 27 30.7 91 31.3 5.2 0.07
 Yes 30 63.8 223 68.0 18 69.2 10 45.5 61 69.3 200 68.7

*n=376 #n=396 ^n=376 `n=398 ”n=366