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. 2024 Dec 11;12:1510733. doi: 10.3389/fped.2024.1510733

Table 3.

Comparison of the mean and standard deviation of CBC DS parameters of our study vs. Garcia's DS population, Harvey's DS population and Harvey's healthy controls.

Age groups N Mean Sd lowCI uppCI Mean Harvey p-value vs. Harvey Mean Harvey CTRL p-value vs. Harvey CTRL Mean Garcia p-value vs. Garcia
Hemoglobin, g/L
90 days–2 years 337 125.85 0.993 124.78 126.91 132 <0.001 125 0.129 130.50 <0.001
2–5 years 874 131.87 0.939 131.24 132.49 129 <0.001 128 <0.001 140.50 <0.001
6–11 years 797 139.51 0.835 138.93 140.09 145 <0.001 135 <0.001 147.50 <0.001
12–18 years 229 140.95 0.894 139.78 142.11 126 <0.001 139 0.002 152.25 <0.001
90 days–2 years 337 37.360 2.969 37.042 37.678 39.2 <0.001 36.8 0.002 39.12 <0.001
2–5 years 874 39.059 2.749 38.877 39.242 37.6 <0.001 38.2 <0.001 41.53 <0.001
6–11 years 797 41.369 2.835 41.172 41.566 42.3 <0.001 40.0 <0.001 43.34 <0.001
12–18 years 229 41.613 2.684 41.264 41.963 37.9 <0.001 41.3 0.116 44.95 <0.001
Mean corpuscular volume, fl
90 days–2 years 337 83.426 5.049 82.885 83.966 87.4 <0.001 78.6 <0.001 91.020 <0.001
2–5 years 874 85.000 5.008 84.668 85.333 87.6 <0.001 81.6 <0.001 91.760 <0.001
6–11 years 797 88.959 4.440 88.650 89.267 91.2 <0.001 84.6 <0.001 93.870 <0.001
12–18 years 229 92.034 5.113 91.368 92.699 94.8 <0.001 87.2 <0.001 95.955 <0.001
Red blood cells, ×1012/L
90 days–2 years 337 4.450 0.545 4.391 4.508 87.4 NA 78.6 NA 4.32 <0.001
2–5 years 874 4.602 0.302 4.582 4.622 87.6 NA 81.6 NA 4.53 <0.001
6–11 years 797 4.655 0.344 4.631 4.679 91.2 NA 84.6 NA 4.62 0.005
12–18 years 229 4.528 0.288 4.491 4.566 94.8 NA 87.2 NA 4.69 <0.001
Platelets, ×109/L
90 days–2 years 337 330.249 97.336 319.820 340.679 353.9 0.000 369.3 <0.001 310.44 0.001
2–5 years 874 311.470 87.228 305.679 317.261 310.8 0.211 323.8 <0.001 300.01 0.013
6–11 years 797 298.153 72.247 293.130 303.177 321.9 <0.001 309.5 <0.001 280.16 <0.001
12–18 years 229 249.843 58.892 242.175 257.511 261.1 <0.001 279.6 <0.001 257.73 0.002
White blood cells, ×109/L
90 days–2 years 337 7.043 2.312 6.795 7.290 6.5 0.001 10.2 <0.001 6.87 0.597
2–5 years 874 6.957 2.440 6.795 7.119 4.7 <0.001 8.2 <0.001 6.02 <0.001
6–11 years 797 6.090 1.954 5.954 6.226 5.9 0.955 6.7 <0.001 5.46 <0.001
12–18 years 229 5.616 1.703 5.394 5.838 4.7 <0.001 6.9 <0.001 6.16 <0.001
Neutrophil, ×109/L
90 days–2 years 337 2.812 1.653 2.635 2.990 2.5 0.47 2.9 <0.001 3.000 <0.001
2–5 years 871 3.623 2.010 3.489 3.757 2.7 <0.001 3.2 0.043 3.110 <0.001
6–11 years 796 3.185 1.555 3.077 3.293 3.5 <0.001 3.3 <0.001 3.050 0.176
12–18 years 227 3.134 1.354 2.957 3.311 3.5 <0.001 3.9 <0.001 3.625 <0.001
Lymphocyte, ×109/L
90 days–2 years 337 3.344 1.413 3.193 3.495 3.0 0.001 6.1 0 3.130 0.095
2–5 years 871 2.499 1.034 2.430 2.568 1.9 <0.001 4.2 0 2.340 0.018
6–11 years 796 2.165 0.826 2.107 2.222 2.0 <0.001 2.8 0 1.880 <0.001
12–18 years 227 1.886 0.638 1.802 1.969 1.8 0.760 2.3 0 1.945 0.001
Hemoglobin, g/L
90 days–2 years 337 125.85 0.993 124.78 126.91 131 <0.001 128 <0.001 131.00 <0.001
2–5 years 874 131.87 0.939 131.24 132.49 134 <0.001 128 <0.001 141.20 <0.001
6–11 years 776 139.80 0.825 139.22 140.38 144 <0.001 139 0.019 146.60 <0.001
12–18 years 245 152.41 1.066 151.07 153.75 155 0.001 155 0.001 156.65 <0.001
90 days–2 years 337 37.360 2.969 37.042 37.678 38.6 <0.001 38.0 <0.001 39.08 <0.001
2–5 years 874 39.059 2.749 38.877 39.242 39.3 0.020 37.4 <0.001 41.62 <0.001
6–11 years 776 41.421 2.825 41.222 41.620 41.6 0.057 40.6 <0.001 43.11 <0.001
12–18 years 245 44.437 3.299 44.022 44.852 44.9 0.036 45.8 <0.001 46.18 <0.001
Mean corpuscular volume, fl
90 days–2 years 337 83.426 5.049 82.885 83.966 85.9 <0.001 78.1 <0.001 91.17 <0.001
2–5 years 874 85.000 5.008 84.668 85.333 87.2 <0.001 80.0 <0.001 91.74 <0.001
6–11 years 776 88.780 4.406 88.469 89.090 90.2 <0.001 84.3 <0.001 93.05 <0.001
12–18 years 245 91.138 5.305 90.470 91.806 93.8 <0.001 86.3 <0.001 93.82 <0.001
Red blood cells, ×1012/L
90 days–2 years 337 4.450 0.545 4.391 4.508 85.9 NA 78.1 NA 4.30 <0.001
2–5 years 874 4.602 0.302 4.582 4.622 87.2 NA 80.0 NA 4.55 <0.001
6–11 years 776 4.671 0.344 4.646 4.695 90.2 NA 84.3 NA 4.64 0.014
12–18 years 245 4.883 0.352 4.839 4.928 93.8 NA 86.3 NA 4.93 0.143
Platelets, ×109/L
90 days–2 years 337 330.249 97.336 319.820 340.679 368.2 <0.001 354.2 <0.001 324.43 0.499
2–5 years 874 311.470 87.228 305.679 317.261 294.6 <0.001 321.9 <0.001 306.62 0.870
6–11 years 776 299.957 71.345 294.930 304.985 274.1 <0.001 312.5 <0.001 293.89 0.642
12–18 years 245 234.702 47.410 228.736 240.668 268.3 <0.001 262.9 <0.001 269.40 <0.001
White blood cells, ×109/L
90 days–2 years 337 7.043 2.312 6.795 7.290 6.3 <0.001 9.1 <0.001 6.860 0.547
2–5 years 874 6.957 2.440 6.795 7.119 5.4 <0.001 8.0 <0.001 6.320 <0.001
6–11 years 776 6.170 1.935 6.033 6.306 6.3 <0.001 6.9 <0.001 5.790 0.005
12–18 years 245 5.883 1.821 5.654 6.113 6.0 0.024 6.7 <0.001 5.625 0.279
Neutrophil, ×109/L
90 days–2 years 337 2.812 1.653 2.635 2.990 2.2 <0.001 2.6 0.654 2.990 <0.001
2–5 years 871 3.623 2.010 3.489 3.757 2.3 <0.001 3.1 <0.001 3.260 0.277
6–11 years 775 3.195 1.531 3.087 3.303 3.4 <0.001 3.2 <0.001 3.090 0.064
12–18 years 245 3.102 1.403 2.925 3.279 3.0 0.446 3.7 <0.001 3.145 0.017
Lymphocyte, ×109/L
90 days–2 years 337 3.344 1.413 3.193 3.495 3.6 <0.001 5.4 <0.001 3.10 0.042
2–5 years 871 2.499 1.034 2.430 2.568 1.7 <0.001 3.8 <0.001 2.41 0.919
6–11 years 775 2.216 0.868 2.155 2.278 2.0 <0.001 2.8 <0.001 2.11 0.239
12–18 years 245 2.087 0.738 1.994 2.180 1.3 <0.001 2.2 0.002 1.91 0.015

Sd, standard deviation; lowCI, lower confidence interval; uppCI, upper confidence interval; CTRL, controls.