Percent of object manipulation time per question for each of the four HAT objects in the SH (pattern bars) and H condition (filled bars) using dominant (D) and non‐dominant (ND) hands. No significant differences between the HSA and LSA (n = 21) were found. However, across sensory modalities (SH‐H) and within objects (Exemplar, Correct, Incorrect, Mirrored), objects were manipulated significantly less in the SH condition than in the H condition, by the dominant hand, in both HSA and LSA (p < 0.05). The exemplar was manipulated significantly less in the dominant hand by the HSA group between the SH and H condition (p < 0.05). The exemplar was manipulated significantly less in the non‐dominant hand between the SH and H condition in both the HSA and LSA groups (p < 0.05). Error bars indicate ±1SD. H, haptic; HAT, haptic abilities test; HSA, high spatial abilities, LSA, low spatial abilities; n, frequency; p, p‐value; SD, standard deviation; SH, sighted haptic; %, percent. *p < 0.05.