Table 2. Description of STL-LSTM algorithm.
Algorithm: LSTM model based on data characteristics and space-time attention machine |
Input: The input variable represents the k-th cycle’s short-term data, where T represents the dimensionality of the short-term data. L(k) represents the real capacity value at the k-th cycle. Output: The output variable represents the SOH estimated value for the k-th cycle’s capacity. |
1.Algorithm: Long Short-Term Memory Network Based on Temporal Attention Mechanism(STL-LSTM) procedure: 1.Standardize the data set 2.Initialize the network parameters, including the weight matrix W and the bias vectors U,V 3.Execute for each time step T = 1 to k: a.Short-time feature extraction: For each time step k = 1 to T i. Calculate the activation values of the input, forget, and output gates Input gate: Forget Gate: Output gate: Calculate cell state Update the hidden status b. Spatial attention mechanism: For each time step k = 1 to T: i.Calculate the time attention value at moment k: ii.The time weighted sum of all encoder hidden states is calculated to obtain the final feature input: b. Temporal attention mechanism: i.Calculate the time attention value of the hidden state at time k: ii.Final feature input c(k) c. Capacity estimation: i.The average capacity is trend data L(k) ii. c(k)、L(k)、、Q(k−1) as input of LSTM model as input, Estimate subsequent capacity |