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. 2024 Oct 15;110(1):e327565. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2024-327565

Table 2. Enteral feeding data.

Milk curd obstruction (n=20) Controls (n=40) P values
Time to first EBM, hours 20 (15–49) 23 (11–39) 0.68
Received full fortification of breast milk feeds* 8 (40) 27 (68) 0.08
Received half fortification of breast milk feeds 1 (5) 4 (10) 0.87
Age when HMF added, hours 243 (150–309) 224 (172–321) 0.95
Time between addition of fortifier and onset of MCO, days 10 (7–17) N/A
Age when feed volume 150 mL/kg/day 9 (9–14) 10 (9–11) 0.66
Ever on continuous enteral feeds 3 (16) 15 (39) 0.13
Age continuous enteral feed was started, days 23 (20–34) 17 (11–21) 0.15
Duration of continuous enteral feed, days 4 (3–9) 11 (10–19) 0.10
Preterm formula 4 (20) 4 (10) 0.42
Term formula 0 (0) 4 (10) 0.29
Time to first meconium, hours 20 (3–84) 14 (1–44) 0.36
Prior medically/surgically-managed gut pathology 7 (35) 0 (0) 2.007×10−4

Data are n (%), median (IQR).

Comorbidities: Surgically and medically managed NEC (n=1), medically managed NEC and inguinal hernia (n=1).


Fortifier added as per manufacturer’s instructions.

Fortifier added in half the recommended dose.

Prior medically-managed or surgically-managed gut pathology included NEC (n=2), spontaneous intestinal perforation (n=1 (colon)), congenital abnormality (n=0), meconium ileus (n=1), inguinal hernia (n=2, both bilateral and reducible) or septic ileus (n=1).

EBMexpressed breast milkHMFhuman milk fortifierMCOmilk curd obstructionNECnecrotising enterocolitis