Good feeding |
1. Absence of prolonged hunger |
Body condition score |
2. Absence of prolonged thirst |
Water provision (number/length in cm of water troughs, bowls), cleanliness of water points, water flow, functioning of water points |
Good housing |
3. Comfort around resting |
Time needed to lie down, animals colliding with housing equipment while lying down, animals lying partly or completely outside the lying area, cleanliness of udders, flank/upper legs, and lower legs |
4. Thermal comfort |
As yet, no measure has been developed |
5. Ease of movement |
Presence of tethering, access to outdoor loafing area or pasture |
Good health |
6. Absence of injuries |
Lameness, integument alterations |
7. Absence of disease |
Coughing, nasal discharge, ocular discharge, hampered respiration, diarrhea, vulvar discharge, milk somatic cell count, mortality, dystocia, downer cows |
8. Absence of pain induced by management procedure |
Disbudding/dehorning, tail docking |
Appropriate behavior |
9. Expression of social behaviors |
Agonistic behaviors (head butts, displacements) |
10. Expression of other behaviors |
Access to pasture |
11. Good human–animal relationship |
Avoidance distance |
12. Positive emotional state |
Qualitative behavior assessment (defined by 20 terms of body language) |