cycle to calculate the complex leg of the relative
binding free energy (RBFE) between two ligands, where one ligand (green)
binds to the protein with a trapped water while the other ligand (purple)
displaces it. The red circles in stages 1 through 4 and in the starting
stage of edge A represent interacting trapped water, whereas the faded
red/magenta circles in stages 5, 5′, 6′, 7′,
1′, and in the end stage of edge I represent noninteracting
water. The dashed black circles around the trapped water in stages
3 through 5 and in stages 5′ and 6’ represent solvent
repulsion. The black crosses in stages 2 through 5 and in stages 5′
through 7’ represent position restraints applied to different
parts of the system–the trapped water and the protein’s
binding site. For an easy nomenclature, the stages and edges for the
purple ligand are denoted with a ′ superscript for the corresponding
stages and edges for the green ligand in the ABFE thermodynamic cycle
(Figure 2). We have
named the end state of edge H as stage 1′ because it represents
the unrestrained binding mode of the purple ligand and its corresponding
stage in the ABFE thermodynamic cycle is denoted by stage 1, i.e.,
the unrestrained binding mode of the green ligand.