A The probability of COVID-19-related hospitalization was the primary dependent variable in this set of four multivariable regressions. B In this set of four multivariable regressions, each association evaluated PCC probability as the dependent variable. In all regressions, intraindividual variability of a cardiometabolic health indicator (CV quartiles of BMI, SBP, DBP, or cholesterol) was the key independent variable of interest. The lowest CV quartiles was considered the reference group. All values from final multivariable regressions, adjusted for gender, age, race-ethnicity, educational attainment, geographic region, COVID-19 vaccination, and the number of donations. See Supplementary Table 3. aRR adjusted risk ratio, BMI body mass index, CV coefficient of variation, DBP diastolic blood pressure, PCC post-COVID conditions, SBP systolic blood pressure.