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. 2024 Dec 16;13(24):7652. doi: 10.3390/jcm13247652

Table 4.

Analysis of covariance between thin-side CTR, thick-side CTR, Logit CTRR, and associated parameters.

Analysis 1 Analysis 2 Analysis 3
F df p-value F df p-value F df p-value
Thin-side CTR Age 63.54 1, 125 <0.001 ** 72.18 1, 138 <0.001 ** 72.78 1, 139 <0.001 **
Sex (Female) 0.99 1, 125 0.32 not included not included
Dominant hand 0.00 1, 125 0.95 not included not included
Thin-side WJD 334.40 1, 8.041 <0.001 ** 33.60 1, 1.060 0.10 8.00 1, 136 0.005 **
Thick-side WJD 114.22 1, 8.041 <0.001 ** 46.58 1, 1.030 0.09 8.69 1, 139 0.004 **
Interaction 0.01 1, 125 0.92 0.19 1, 138 0.67 not included
Analysis 1 Analysis 2 Analysis 3
F df p-value F df p-value F df p-value
Thick-side CTR Age 72.78 1, 125 <0.001 ** 86.36 1, 138 <0.001 ** 86.22 1, 139 <0.001 **
Sex (Female) 0.91 1, 125 0.34 not included not included
Dominant hand 0.00 1, 125 0.96 not included not included
Thin-side WJD 1.83 1, 1.028 0.40 0.72 1, 1.014 0.55 0.24 1, 139 0.63
Thick-side WJD 6.64 1, 1.023 0.23 23.74 1, 1.007 0.13 21.10 1, 139 <0.001 **
Interaction 1.28 1, 125 0.26 0.77 1, 138 0.38 not included
Analysis 2
F df p-value
Logit CTRR Age 0.41 1, 138 0.52
Thin-side WJD 2.95 1, 1.003 0.34
Thick-side WJD 0.30 1, 1.001 0.68
Interaction 3.94 1, 138 <0.05 *

CTR: cortical thickness rate. In each patient, the side with the lower cortical thickness rate (CTR) of the metacarpals was designated the “thin-side” and that with the higher CTR the “thick-side”. WJD: wrist joint damage. CTRR: cortical thickness rate ratio = CTR (thin-side)/CTR (thick-side). Logit CTRR = ln {CTRR/(1-CTRR)}. To approximate a normal distribution for analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), CTRR was transformed using logit transformation. This involved applying the logit function to CTRR values, defined as: Logit CTRR = ln {CTRR/(1-CTRR)}. Interaction : interaction between thin- and thick-side WJDs. Analysis 1: ANCOVA with the following dependent variable and factors: age, sex (female), dominant hand, WJD thin-side, WJD thick-side, and interaction between thin- and thick-side WJDs. Analysis 2: ANCOVA with the following dependent variable and factors: age, WJD thin-side, WJD thick-side, and interaction between thin- and thick-side WJDs. (excluding sex (female) and dominant hand in Analysis 1). Analysis 3: ANCOVA with the following dependent variable and factors: age, WJD thin-side, WJD thick-side (excluding interaction between thin- and thick-side WJDs in Analysis 2). F: F-value. df: degrees of freedom, expressed as F (df1, df2), where df1 is df for the factor between-groups and df2 is df for the error within-groups. *: significant, p-value < 0.05. **: significant, p-value < 0.01.