Figure 13.
Summary of the results of the vitamin E effect on cellular and structural bone histomorphometry against both controls. Abbreviation: Cellular parameters measured: Ob.S/BS: Osteoblast surface/bone surface, Oc.S/BS: osteoclast surface/bone surface, ES/BS: eroded surface/bone surface, OS/BS: osteoid surface/bone surface, and OV/BV: osteoid volume/bone volume. Structural parameters measured: Tb.Th: trabecular thickness, BV/TV: bone volume to total volume, Tb.N: trabecular number, Tb.Sp: trabecular separation. Treatment groups: BC: Baseline Control, C: Control, AO: Alcohol Olive Oil, AN: Alcohol Normal Saline, A: Alcohol, AA: Alcohol Alpha-Tocopherol, AE: Alcohol Palm Vitamin E.