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. 2024 Dec 10;41:100956. doi: 10.1016/j.lana.2024.100956

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the pre- and post-implementation groups.

Pre (n = 4214) n (%) Post (n = 4295) n (%) p-value
Site 0.76
 #1 2117 (50.2) 2172 (50.6)
 #2 2097 (49.8) 2123 (49.4)
Maternal agea 31 [26–34] 31 [27–35] 0.0003
Race 0.21
 Black 1915 (45.4) 1881 (43.8)
 White 1666 (39.5) 1747 (40.7)
 Asian 291 (6.9) 293 (6.8)
 Other 342 (8.1) 374 (8.7)
Ethnicity 0.076
 Hispanic 292 (6.9) 341 (7.9)
Insurance 0.87
 Private 2533 (60.3) 2597 (60.5)
 Medicaid/Medicare 1667 (39.7) 1697 (39.5)
Maternal body mass index at last prenatal visit (mg/kg2)a 31.5 [27.8–36.9] 31.8 [28.1–37.1] 0.048
Gestational or pregestational diabetes 399 (9.5) 445 (10.4) 0.17
Chronic hypertension 337 (8.0) 401 (9.3) 0.028
Nulliparity 2762 (65.5) 2781 (64.7) 0.44
Gestational age at deliverya 39.5 [38.6–40.4] 39.5 [38.6–40.3] 0.85
Indication for induction <0.0001
 Postdates/elective 1356 (32.2) 1351 (31.5)
 Maternal indicationsb 1460 (34.7) 1587 (37.0)
 Fetal indicationsc 870 (20.7) 747 (17.4)
 Otherd 528 (12.5) 610 (14.2)
Modified Bishop scorea 2 [0–3] 2 [0–3] <0.0001
Cervical ripening agent utilized <0.0001
 Misoprostol alone 613 (14.6) 751 (17.5)
 Cervical ripening balloon alone 163 (3.9) 129 (3.0)
 Misoprostol & ripening balloon simultaneously 2051 (48.7) 2014 (46.9)
 Oxytocin & ripening balloon simultaneously 148 (3.5) 103 (2.4)
 Misoprostol followed by ripening balloon 971 (23.0) 1090 (25.4)
 Oxytocin followed by ripening balloon 65 (1.5) 42 (1.0)
 Ripening balloon followed by misoprostol 97 (2.3) 95 (2.2)
 Ripening balloon followed by oxytocine 96 (2.3) 69 (1.6)
 Otherf 10 (0.2) 2 (0.1)

This study sample includes all patients admitted for labor induction at either the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania or Pennsylvania Hospital over the study period meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria for use of the standardized labor induction protocol.


Median Interquartile range [IQR].


Examples include: chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, diabetes, renal disease, history of venous thromboembolism, cardiac disease or other chronic medical condition where induction was recommended.


Examples include: Oligohydramnios, intrauterine growth restriction, abnormality on fetal testing.


Examples of “other” include: history of an intrauterine fetal demise, vaginal bleeding at term, cholestasis.


If oxytocin was started while ripening balloon still in place.


Other includes Cervidil and starting oxytocin then stopping and proceeding with misoprostol.