Non-psychological factors
Gender (52, 55, 56, 58, 60)
Socio-cultural and ethnic background (52)
Sport-related demographical variables: sport biography (50, 58), year of experience / career length (53, 58), placing and level of competition (50, 53), exercise participation level (50), number of sporting hours (50, 53), training patters (60)
Coach-related factors
Leadership style (autonomy-supportive as protective factor) (55, 60)
Motivational climate (task-involving as protective factor) (54, 55, 57)
Climate-related factors
Psychological factors
Personality: perception of ability (50, 54, 55), physical self-perception profile (56), perception of success (54, 56), enjoyment (55, 59), satisfaction with sport practice (51), life satisfaction (50), openness (50), exhaustion (50) and energy deficit (50)
Motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and amotivation (51, 57–59), Self-determination theory appeared relatedness: (55, 57); competence: (54–57, 59); autonomy: (55, 57), body-related motivation (59), commitment [personal investment, social constraints, involvement opportunities, valuable opportunities and other priorities] (55).
Orientation: achievement goal orientation [athlete’s task-orientation and ego-orientation] (50), social orientation (50), win-orientation (50) and volition (50), future sport intentions (57)
Learning and development: learning strategies [cognitive-metacognitive and affective motivational] (52), development/progress (55), positive feedback (55), the athlete’s pursuit of learning (56), the athlete’s pursuit of comparison (56–58)
Health: Physical health complaints (50), worry about health (50)
Peer-related factors
Teammates to facilitate personal investment (55, 60)
Task-oriented and ego-oriented perception of peers (54, 57)
Family-related factors
Parents’ investment (60)
Parental support (60)
Sibling influence (60)