Table 2. The names of the business sectors and their corresponding abbreviations.
Abv | Sector Name |
IT | Computer |
NBF | Non-Bank Financial |
FB | Financial Bank |
NFM | Non-ferrous Metal |
MB | Medical Biology |
CI | Chemical Industry |
PS | Public Service |
MI | Military Industry |
Coal I | Coal Industry |
EE | Electrical Equipment |
RE | Real Estate |
Tran | Transportation |
Comm | Communication |
AI | Automobile Industry |
EI | Electronic Industry |
DG | Daily Consumer Goods |
ME | Mechanical Equipment |
BD | Building Decoration |
HEA | Household Electric Appliances |
FB-I | State-owned bank |
FB-II | Joint-stock bank or private bank |
Agri | Agriculture |
Null | No obvious category |
The first column display the abbreviations for the Sector Names. “Null” represents the one we could not identify.