Table 1.
Sample origin and Sanger sequencing results for tested chemical extracts (1–39) and reported sensitivity for B. subtilis, C. albicans, and E. coli.
# | origin of sample | Sanger sequencing (top hit) or ATCC information | OD 595 | µg added to disk | Bs | Ec | Ca |
1 | O-Medium | 150 | |||||
2 | O-Medium | 300 | |||||
3 | MBI | Uncultured | 0.474 | 300 | xx | ||
4 | MBI | Uncultured | 0.368 | 300 | |||
5 | I-Lab | 150 | |||||
6 | I-Lab | 1000 | |||||
7 | O-Medium | 839 | xxx | ||||
8 | MBI | Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea, ATCC (purple isolate) | n.d. | 552 | |||
9 | MBI | Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea, ATCC (white isolate) | n.d. | 755 | |||
10 | MBI | Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea, ATCC (P.Lu 81) | n.d. | 340 | |||
11 | O-Mass | 150 | x | ||||
12 | MBI | Erythrobacter | 0.431 | 1255 | |||
13 | MBI | Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea, ATCC (P.Lu 80) | n.d. | 895 | |||
14 | MBI | Uncultured | 0.573 | 542 | x | ||
15 | MBI | Reugeria | 0.38 | 330 | |||
16 | MBI | Erythrobacter | 0.663 | 535 | xx | ||
17 | MBI | Salinimicrobium | 0.305 | 771 | xx | xx | |
18 | MBI | Uncultured | 0.453 | 1018 | xx | ||
19 | O-Mass | 5762 | |||||
20 | MBI | Pseudoalteromonas rubra, ATCC (P.Rub69) | 0.768 | 500 | |||
21 | MBI | Erythrobacter | 0.667 | 1475 | |||
22 | I-Lab | 785 | |||||
23 | I-Lab | 803 | |||||
24 | MBI | Pseudomonas | 0.667 | 630 | |||
25 | O-Mass | 545 | |||||
26 | O-Medium | 562 | |||||
27 | MBI | Rheinheimeria | 0.545 | 55 | |||
28 | MBI | Ruegeria | 0.584 | 300 | |||
29 | O-Medium | 1720 | |||||
30 | MBI | Uncultured | 0.465 | 325 | |||
31 | MBI | Uncultured | 0.092 | 782 | |||
32 | MBI | Erythrobacter | 0.924 | 815 | xx | ||
33 | O-Mass | 970 | xx | ||||
34 | O-Mass | 590 | xxx | xx | |||
35 | O-Medium | 300 | |||||
36 | O-Mass | 1180 | |||||
37 | O-Mass | 990 | xx | xx | |||
38 | O-Mass | 750 | xx | x | |||
39 | O-Mass | 300 | xx | X | |||
Outdoor algal mass cultivation system = O-Mass; 18-L outdoor medium algal cultures = O-Med; marine bacterial isolates = MBI; indoor lab cultures = I-Lab. Growth inhibition scale: “x” = borderline, “xx” = clear inhibition, “xxx” = strong inhibition. Also “n.d.” = OD595 not determined. |