Electrophysiology of tissue culture myocarditis.
A) hiPSC-CM beat period measured by MEA. Control CMs (n = 8), Isotype (n = 8), Checkpoint (n = 8), Activated Isotype (n = 12), Activated Checkpoint (n = 12). Individual replicates are averaged values obtained from individual wells containing 16 microelectrodes. Timepoints are indicated on the graph.
B) Beat period irregularity of hiPSC-CMs under indicated conditions. # = P < .05 at 26, 32, and 44 h. between activated hPBMCs treated with isotype or ICI, and between ICI and steroid treated activated hPBMCs, as indicated on the graph. Statistics from Tukey's multiple comparisons test. Technical replicates are indicated on graph Control CMs (n = 8), Isotype (n = 8), Checkpoint (n = 8), Activated Isotype (n = 12), Activated Checkpoint (n = 12). Individual replicates are averaged values obtained from individual wells containing 16 microelectrodes. Timepoints are indicated on the graph.
C) Representative beat period Poincare plots demonstrating hiPSC-CM beat period irregularity.
*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001, ****P < .0001 by Tukey's multiple comparisons test for (A), (B).
Experiments performed 4 (A, B, C) times.