Viral kinetics. 143B cells were infected with HSV-1 V701 for 7 h at the nonpermissive temperature (A to F). Following the accumulation of immature capsids in the nucleus (A), the capsids were chased out by incubation at 20°C for 4 and 6 h (B and C). To release the 20°C block, the cells were additionally incubated at 31°C for 2 to 4 h (D to F). The samples were then fixed and stained with antibodies specific for the TGN (red) and the viral capsid protein VP5 (green). The antibody ICP5 (detecting total VP5) was used in all panels, except in the experiments shown in panels B and C where the antibody 8F5 (detecting VP5 present in mature capsids only) was used. The arrows in panels E and F indicate the presence of virus at the periphery of the cells, as revealed by phase contrast (insets). For comparison, 143B cells were also infected with the wild-type GFP-labeled virus (K26GFP) and chased at 20°C for 4 and 6 h (G to I) (K26GFP is in green and TGN is in red). Note that both viruses showed a similar egress kinetic.