FIG. 3.
Binding of talin-VBS1, talin-VBS3, or αVBS peptides to vinculin's head domain (VH, human residues 1 to 780) is sufficient to displace Vt from preexisting VH-Vt complexes. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of free VH (lane 1) and of VH bound to talin-VBS1 (lane 2), talin-VBS3 (lane3), αVBS (lane 4), or Vt (human vinculin residues 879 to 1066; lane 5) is shown. Free VH is indicated with an asterisk. Talin-VBS1, talin-VBS3, and αVBS were then added to preexisting VH-Vt complexes (circle) at a fourfold molar excess and displaced Vt to form the respective VH-talin-VBS1 (lane 6), VH-talin-VBS3 (lane 7), or VH-αVBS (lane 8). Free Vt is not visible in native gels because of its basic pI.