Rsr1p and Bud2p are required for growth at high temperature. C. albicans strains JB6284 (wild type [WT]), CA8815 (RSR1/Δ), CA8880 (rsr1Δ/Δ), MG9215 (rsr1Δ/Δ::RSR1), DH7458 (BUD2/Δ), DH7453 (bud2Δ/Δ), MG9017 (bud2Δ/Δ::BUD2), and MG9061 (bud2Δ/Δ::bud2) were incubated on SDC medium at the indicated temperatures for 3 days and then photographed. An equal number of cells was inoculated in each case, as determined spectrophotometrically and verified by hemacytometer cell counts.