Rsr1p and Bud2p are important for hyphal guidance. (A) C. albicans strains JB6284 (WT), CA8880 (rsr1Δ/Δ), and DH7453 (bud2Δ/Δ) were grown on serum-containing agar for 4 h and photographed. The angles of hyphal curvature were determined for each strain using the Angle Measure function of Metamorph and plotted as degrees from linear, with linear being 0°. (B) C. albicans strains JB6284 (WT), CA8878 (RSR1/Δ), CA8880 (rsr1Δ/Δ), MG9215 (rsr1Δ/Δ::RSR1), DH7453 (bud2Δ/Δ), MG9017 (bud2Δ/Δ::BUD2), and MG9061 (bud2Δ/Δ::bud2) were inoculated onto serum-containing agar and incubated at 37°C for 5 days, and the extent of invasion was determined by microscopic examination as described in Materials and Methods. The experiment was repeated three times with the same results obtained each time. The top panel of each pair is a cross-sectional view of yeast colonies and agar; the lower panel of each pair is a view from the top of the agar plate prior to colony washing.