FIG. 8.
Interface analysis of the FucO dimer structure. (A) The interface area of the wild-type FucO subunit interactions is red. (B) The residual interface area of the ΔN10 FucO mutant is red. The diagrams in panels A and B were generated with GRASP (29). (C) Analysis by cross-linking of the β1 deletion effect in FucO dimerization. The electrophoretic mobility of the cross-linked species obtained after reaction of DSS with wild-type or ΔN10 mutant FucO was determined by SDS-PAGE. Lane 1, control wild-type FucO; lanes 2 and 3, cross-linked wild-type FucO with 1 mM DSS after 10 and 20 min, respectively; lane 4, control ΔN10 FucO mutant; lanes 5 and 6, cross-linked ΔN10 FucO mutant with 1 mM DSS after 10 and 20 min, respectively; lane M, molecular mass markers (BENCHMARK prestained protein ladder; Gibco BRL).