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. 2024 Nov 22;72(1):9–22. doi: 10.1111/zph.13191


First detection of I . scapularis or I . pacificus , Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) in I . scapularis or I . pacificus , and Bb in a mammal in each province across Canada amongst 115 reviewed surveillance articles.

Province a Year b Reference
Ixodes c
ON 1972 Watson and Anderson (1976)
NS 1984 Bell, Specht, and Coombs (1992)
PEI 1989 Cawthorn, Horney, and Maloney (1990)
MN 1990–2003 Ogden, Trudel et al. (2006)
NB 1990–2003 Ogden, Trudel et al. (2006)
NL 1990–2003 Ogden, Trudel et al. (2006)
QC 1990–2003 Ogden, Trudel et al. (2006)
BC 1993–2006 Mak, Morshed, and Henry (2010)
AB 1998 Scott et al. (2001)
SK 1998 Lindsay et al. (1999)
Bb in ixodes c
ON 1990 Lindsay et al. (1991)
PEI 1991 Artsob et al. (1992)
MN 1990–2003 Ogden, Trudel et al. (2006)
NB 1990–2003 Ogden, Trudel et al. (2006)
NL 1990–2003 Ogden, Trudel et al. (2006)
QC 1990–2003 Ogden, Trudel et al. (2006)
NS 2001 Scott et al. (2001)
BC 2003 Morshed et al. (2005)
SK 2009 Scott, Anderson, and Durden (2012)
AB 2012 Dibernardo et al. (2014)
Bb in mammals c
ON 1987 Barker et al. (1993)
QC 2007–2008 Bouchard et al. (2011)
AB 2008 Villeneuve et al. (2011)
MN 2008 Villeneuve et al. (2011)
NB 2008 Villeneuve et al. (2011)
NS 2008 Villeneuve et al. (2011)
PEI 2008 Villeneuve et al. (2011)
SK 2008 Villeneuve et al. (2011)
BC 2008–2012 Qurollo et al. (2014)
NL 2008–2015 Evason et al. (2019)

AB = Alberta, BC = British Columbia, MB = Manitoba, NB = New Brunswick, NL = Newfoundland & Labrador, NS = Nova Scotia, ON = Ontario, PEI = Prince Edward Island, QC = Quebec, SK = Saskatchewan.


Year indicates earliest study collection year detailed in the reviewed surveillance articles where Ixodes, Bb in Ixodes and Bb in a mammal. Where exact year of collection of first positive Ixodes or Bb‐positive specimen in Ixodes or mammal was not specified, the study collection start year was used.


Ixodes =  I . scapularis or I. pacificus ; Bb =  Borrelia burgdorferi . Detection of Bb includes identification by any testing technique (PCR, culture or antibody) in Ixodes or mammal collected via passive or active surveillance methods.