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. 2025 Jan 2;16:304. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-54478-6

Fig. 1. The cave planarian Girardia multidiverticulata has reduced eyes and exhibits two visually distinct morphotypes.

Fig. 1

a G. multidiverticulata type locality at the cave Buraco do Bicho, located in the Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Detail of the cave entrance. b Two sibling morphotypes emerging from an egg capsule; one morphotype presents small pigmented eyes (discernible eyes) and the other has no visible eyes (non-discernible eyes). Scale bar, 5 mm. c Phylogeny (consensus tree) of the main groups of terrestrial Dugesiidae; G. multidiverticulata is a sister species to other Girardia species, together forming a monophyletic group. The sister clade of the Girardia species group includes Cura, Dugesia, Schmidtea, and Recurva.  Consensus tree is supported by phylogeny based on four gene markers (COI, EF, 28S, and 18S rDNA type I and II) (Supplementary Fig. 1 and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). d Comparative morphologies of the eyes in surface and cave planarians using live-imaging (top two rows), and by double labeling (bottom row) using fluorescent in situ hybridization of opsin mRNA in photoreceptor cells (cyan) and immunocytochemistry for Arrestin (axonal projections converge and cross the midline of the head). Similar results were observed in G. multidiverticulata non-discernible eyes n = 86; G. multidiverticulata discernible eyes n = 85; G. dorotocephala n = 58; Dugesia japonica n = 36; Schmidtea mediterranea n = 32. Scale bar (top two rows), 1 mm; scale bar for fluorescent images (bottom row), 50 µm.