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. 2025 Jan 2;11:1. doi: 10.1038/s41531-024-00865-1

Table 1.

Participant characteristics in discovery and validation cohorts

Characteristic Discovery cohort
(n = 218)
Validation cohort
(n = 84)
 Median age at onset, years 63 (54–68) 64 (58.5–69.5) 0.094
Sex, no. (%)
 Male 129 (59.18%) 52 (61.90%) 0.003**
Baseline clinical status
 Disease duration, median (95% CI), yearsa 4 (2–6) 3 (2–6) 0.612
 DM, no. (%) 7 (3.21%) 6 (7.14%) 0.201a
 HBP, no. (%) 44 (20.18%) 29 (34.52%) 0.009**
 H&Y stage 3.5 (2–4) 4 (3–4) 0.001**
 UPDRS (total) 42.5 (29.0–76.2) 48.0 (33.6–60.8) 0.616
 UPDRS I 2 (0.75–2) 4 (3–5) <0.001***
 UPDRS II 12 (5–18) 12 (8–16) 0.193
 UPDRS III 23 (16–56) 27 (18–36) 0.642
 UPDRS IV 5 (2–7) 5 (3–7) 0.198
 MMSE 25 (23–28) 26.5 (23–29) 0.383
 MOCA 19 (15–25) 21 (16–23) 0.209
 LED (mg) 500 (375–673) 611 (474–799) <0.001***
Baseline laboratory test
 HsCRP, mg/L 0.5 (0–0.82) 0 (0–0.59) <0.001
 Lymphocyte, G/L 1.82 (1.50–2.32) 1.90 (1.64–2.21) 0.488
 Neutrophils, G/L 3.55 (2.79–4.25) 3.64 (2.98–4.41) 0.336
L/N ratio, 0.55 (0.40–0.70) 0.53 (0.40–0.67) 0.815
 UA, μmol/L 316 (263–378) 316 (269–375) 0.840
 Chol, mmol/L 4.48 (3.89–5.10) 4.36 (3.74–4.99) 0.304
 HDL-C, mmol/L 1.54 (1.26–5.01) 1.26 (1.05–1.44) <0.001***
 LDL-C, mmol/L 2.69 (2.16–3.34) 2.61 (2.17–3.30) 0.829
 Glu, mmol/L 4.74 (4.44–5.18) 4.92 (4.58–5.31) 0.045*
 Alb, g/L 39.8 (37.5–42.0) 40.4 (38.75–42.35) 0.273
A/G ratio 1.50 (1.30–1.60) 1.60 (1.40–1.75) 0.023*
 ADA, IU/L 8.30 (7.01–10.09) 8.52 (7.31–10.58) 0.641
 RBP, mg/L 40.80 (34.50–48.30) 41.95 (36.65–47.95) 0.354
 SOD, kU/L 139 (125–155) 152 (142–165.5) <0.001***
 LDH, IU/L 168.0 (149.7–189.6) 176.8 (153.8–187.0) 0.252
 FIB, g/L 3.05 (2.61–3.35) 2.69 (2.27–2.97) <0.001***
 DDI, mg/L 0.39 (0.27–0.65) 0.39 (0.2–0.66) 0.220
 PLG, % 95 (85.0–106.0) 91.3 (84.6–100.55) 0.129
 pFN, mg/L 200.1 (182.7–227.0) 206.0 (181.0–231.0) 0.438
First-episode of milestone
 Events 77 (35.32%) 28 (33.33%) 0.745
 Median time since initial diagnosis, years 4.13 (2.08–7.14) 5.50 (3.02–7.90) 0.373
Frequent Falls
 Events 45 (20.64%) 7 (8.33%) <0.001***
 Median time since initial diagnosis, years 6.46 (4.17–9.50) 5.33 (3.33–7.33) 0.332
Wheelchair dependence
 Events 21 (9.63%) 9 (10.71%) 0.128
 Median time since initial diagnosis, years 7.25 (5.75–11.75) 5.00 (3.08–8.46) 0.025
Home care
 Events 30 (13.76%) 10 (11.90%) 0.670
 Median time since initial diagnosis, years 7.13 (3.92–12.27) 7.83 (3.00–9.60) 0.724
 Events 19 (8.72%) 7 (8.33%) 0.915
 Median time since initial diagnosis, years 5.75 (3.17–8.50) 3.08 (1.92–7.00) 0.306
Severe Hallucination
 Events 14 (6.42%) 1(1.19%) 0.076a
 Median time since initial diagnosis, years 4.08 (3.02–8.71) NA 0.533
 Events 5 (2.29%) 1 (1.19%) 0.682
 Median time since initial diagnosis, years 4.33 (3.54–9.88) NA 0.667
Cause of death
 PD-related events 3 (1.38%) 1 (1.19%) 1.000
 PD-unrelated events 2 (0.92%) 0

ADA adenosine deaminase, Alb albumin, A/G ratio, Chol cholesterol, DDI D-dimer, DM diabetes mellitus, FIB fibrinogen, Glu glucose, HBP high blood pressure, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HsCRP hypersensitive C-reactive protein, H&Y Hoehn-Yahr, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, LDL-C Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LED levo-dopa-equivalence dosage, L/N ratio, lymphocyte/neutrophils ratio, MMSE mini-mental state examination, MOCA Montreal cognitive assessment, NA non-available, pFN plasma fibronectin, PLG plasminogen, RBP retinol-binding protein, SOD superoxide dismutase, UA uric acid, UPDRS unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale.

*p  < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.

aFisher’s Exact test.