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. 2025 Jan 2;15:384. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-83193-x

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of all subjects.

No Age (year-old) Gender Surgery Origin of specimen Thyroid disease Clinical activity score Thyroid function Treatment history Systemic diseases
GO 1 48 Male Strabismus surgery Temporal portion of orbit Graves’ disease 1 Normal Steroid puls therapy, radiation None
2 70 Male Strabismus surgery Temporal portion of orbit Graves’ disease 0 High thyroid antibody Thiamazole T2DM, HT
3 75 Male Strabismus surgery Temporal portion of orbit Graves’ disease 0 Normal Steroid puls therapy, radiation None
4 51 Male Strabismus surgery Temporal portion of orbit Graves’ disease 1 Normal Steroid puls therapy, radiation, thiamazole None
5 69 Female Strabismus surgery Temporal portion of orbit Graves’ disease 0 Normal Steroid puls therapy, radiation HT
Non-GO 1 61 Female Strabismus surgery Temporal portion of orbit None 0 Normal None None
2 59 Male Orbital fat herniation Superior temporal portion of orbit None 0 Normal None None
3 69 Male Orbital fat herniation Superior temporal portion of orbit None 0 Normal None HT
4 69 Male Orbital fat herniation Superior temporal portion of orbit None 0 Normal None HT
5 81 Male Orbital fat herniation Superior temporal portion of orbit None 0 Normal None HT

T2DM: type 2 diabetes, HT: hypertension.