Table 3.
GenV consent components
Consent component | From | |
General consent—for primary parent/guardian (usually mothera) and child | ||
1 |
Access to/retrieval of health, education, social and place-based information including: a. Administrative data spanning physical and mental health, education, social, births and deaths, geographic b. Service & clinical data including individual (e.g. hospitals, GPs) and collated, Electronic Health Records (EHRs), digital data (e.g. MRI scans) |
P1 |
2 |
Ongoing contact by GenV to a. Collect new information b. Provide information to participants c. Collect additional consent (eg participation in collaborating studies) |
P1 |
3 | Updating participant contact details from parent or via public records or information held by agencies | P1 |
4 | Unspecified use of data for future ethically-approved research | P1 |
5 | Sharing and 2-way exchange of data with approved GenV users (e.g. Integrated Studies) | P1 |
6 | Retrieval and use of residual clinical biosamples stored pre/postnatally | P1 |
7 | Collection and use of new biosamples (infant stool swab, breast milk)b | P1 |
Item-by-item consent—for primary parent/guardian (usually mother) and child | ||
8 | Genetic research | P1 |
9 | Collection and use of new biosamples (saliva) | P1 |
Separate consent—for 2nd parent/guardian (usually father) | ||
10 | Participation covering all of the above for 2nd parent | P2 |
11 | Collection and use of new biosamples from 2nd parent (saliva) | P2 |
P1 = parent consenting on behalf of themselves and the child (usually the mother). P2 = parent consenting for themselves only (usually the father). a Only the mother who carried the child can consent for access to her records and retrieval and use of her pre/postnatal biosamples, except in the rare situation where the mother herself has a guardian. b Introduced October 2022