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. 2025 Jan 3;25:20. doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-21108-1

Table 3.

GenV consent components

Consent component From
General consentfor primary parent/guardian (usually mothera) and child

Access to/retrieval of health, education, social and place-based information including:

a. Administrative data spanning physical and mental health, education, social, births and deaths, geographic

b. Service & clinical data including individual (e.g. hospitals, GPs) and collated, Electronic Health Records (EHRs), digital data (e.g. MRI scans)


Ongoing contact by GenV to

a. Collect new information

b. Provide information to participants

c. Collect additional consent (eg participation in collaborating studies)

3 Updating participant contact details from parent or via public records or information held by agencies P1
4 Unspecified use of data for future ethically-approved research P1
5 Sharing and 2-way exchange of data with approved GenV users (e.g. Integrated Studies) P1
6 Retrieval and use of residual clinical biosamples stored pre/postnatally P1
7 Collection and use of new biosamples (infant stool swab, breast milk)b P1
Item-by-item consentfor primary parent/guardian (usually mother) and child
8 Genetic research P1
9 Collection and use of new biosamples (saliva) P1
Separate consentfor 2nd parent/guardian (usually father)
10 Participation covering all of the above for 2nd parent P2
11 Collection and use of new biosamples from 2nd parent (saliva) P2

P1 = parent consenting on behalf of themselves and the child (usually the mother). P2 = parent consenting for themselves only (usually the father). a Only the mother who carried the child can consent for access to her records and retrieval and use of her pre/postnatal biosamples, except in the rare situation where the mother herself has a guardian. b Introduced October 2022