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. 2025 Jan 3;74(2):51. doi: 10.1007/s00262-024-03876-2

Table 1.

Patient characteristics of each treatment group categorized by sex

IO-IO (n = 99) IO-TKI (n = 71) Nivolumab (n = 117) TKI (n = 276)
Male (n = 71) Female (n = 28) p Male (n = 52) Female (n = 19) p Male (n = 83) Female (n = 34) p Male (n = 199) Female (n = 77) p
Age, in years  ≥ 65 (ref. < 65) 34 (48%) 16 (57%) 0.505 33 (63%) 12 (63%) 1.000 43 (52%) 25 (74%) 0.0392 96 (48%) 42 (55%) 0.421
Histopathology Clear-cell RCC (ref. non-clear-cell RCC/ unknown) 49 (69%) 21 (75%) 0.630 35 (67%) 13 (68%) 1.000 69 (83%) 28 (82%) 1.000 153 (77%) 57 (74%) 0.639

IMDC risk





49 (69%)

22 (31%)


16 (57%)

12 (43%)


11 (21%)

29 (56%)

12 (23%)

2 (11%)

14 (74%)

3 (16%)


6 (7%)

55 (66%)

22 (27%)

5 (15%)

17 (50%)

12 (35%)


24 (12%)

131 (66%)

44 (22%)

15 (19%)

47 (61%)

15 (19%)

Treatment line Second (ref. third or more later) N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 51 (61%) 20 (59%) 0.837 N.A N.A N.A
Lung metastasis Presence (ref. absence) 44 (62%) 19 (68%) 0.648 35 (67%) 10 (53%) 0.278 55 (66%) 18 (53%) 0.210 134 (67%) 46 (60%) 0.261
Bone metastasis Presence (ref. absence) 16 (23%) 7 (25%) 0.796 11 (21%) 4 (21%) 1.000 21 (25%) 11 (32%) 0.496 46 (23%) 18 (23%) 1.000
Liver metastasis Presence (ref. absence) 8 (11%) 6 (21%) 0.210 9 (17%) 3 (16%) 1.000 14 (17%) 5 (15%) 1.000 28 (14%) 10 (13%) 1.000
Lymph node metastasis Presence (ref. absence) 23 (32%) 11 (39%) 0.639 13 (25%) 4 (21%) 1.000 28 (34%) 11 (32%) 1.000 59 (30%) 21 (27%) 0.768

IO immunotherapy, TKI tyrosine kinase inhibitor, RCC renal cell carcinoma, IMDC international metastatic renal cell carcinoma database consortium, N.A. not applicable, ref reference